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Important Dates/Reminders

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1 Important Dates/Reminders
Math In the Everyday Math Program (EDM), students will engage in activities that will further their exploration of addition and subtraction. Students should be counting to 100, making combinations of 10, and identifying multiple ways to add to a number. Continue practicing 2D and 3D shapes. Science/SS/ Health Science: we will continue learning about shadows and spring/summer trees. Social Studies: the focus for May is geography. Health: we will be learning about how to keep our bodies and minds safe. Reading / Writing Shared Reading: We are paying attention to punctuation and sight words. Reader’s Workshop: Students will work on fluency and talking about our books. Fundations: We are using trick words to write sentences! Read Aloud: This month’s skill is summarizing. Writing: we are writing persuasive stories based on our opinions. Important Dates/Reminders May 5: Arbor Day assembly May 19: Final Scholastic order due May 26: Single Session (lunch served – 1:45 dismissal) May 29: No School

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