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Sector Mobile ACP Meeting Mobile, Alabama December 18, 2013

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Presentation on theme: "Sector Mobile ACP Meeting Mobile, Alabama December 18, 2013"— Presentation transcript:

1 Sector Mobile ACP Meeting Mobile, Alabama December 18, 2013
Update on Revisions to RRT 4 Dispersant and In-Situ Burn Plans + New Vessel Decon Plan Sector Mobile ACP Meeting Mobile, Alabama December 18, 2013

2 If it happened today… Resources can still mobilize Notify RRT and SSCs
Fill out forms, begin SMART monitoring, etc. Initiate emergency consults NFMS and USFWS Get approval and concurrence Proceed

3 If it happened “tomorrow”…
Resources can still mobilize Notify RRT and SSCs Fill out forms, begin SMART monitoring, etc. Proceed with initial application/burn Initiate emergency consults NFMS and USFWS Get approval and concurrence Proceed …again

4 Permission for Dispersants / Burning
National Contingency Plan Subpart J (40 CFR ) 910(a): Authorization & Preauthorization 910(b): Case-By-Case Approval 910(c): Case-By-Case for Burning 910(d): OSC’s authority in life-saving/protection

5 Who Authorizes? Preauthorization Case-By-Case Approval: Concurrence:

6 Preauthorization Design
Policy Protocols Zones Consultations

7 Preauthorization “Policy”
Limited to “Initial” use 24hrs from notification to RRT one completed application/burn Defines “Affected State” has jurisdiction over environmental resources that might be impacted or threatened Contracts encouraged but not required

8 Preauthorization “Protocols” (Dispersants)
Justifiable Use Product Schedule RRT Notification Documentation Evaluation of Continued Use Decision Elements ESA and EFH Consultations Health and Safety RRT Observers Shallow Water Monitoring NHPA and Tribal Consultations Final Report

9 Preauthorization “Protocols” (Burning Agents)
Health and Safety Mechanical Recovery Monitoring ESA and EFH Consultations Decision Tree Favorable Conditions Application to RRT Final Report RRT Agency Participation NHPA and Tribal Consultations Burn Control Ignition Control

10 Preauthorization “Zone”
Green Federal jurisdiction >3nm from shore (and/or >9nm from west Florida) >30ft depth

11 Non-Preauthorization “Zone”
Yellow (Case-By-Case) Protected areas <3nm from shore <30ft depth Sensitive ecosystems Letter of Agreement from State or service agency Red (Prohibited) None currently identified


13 Preauthorization “Consultations”
Endangered Species Act Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation Management Act (MSA) aka Essential Fish Habitats (EFH) National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA)

14 Consultation Hurdles Scope, Scale, Cost Longevity From draft plan:
Preauthorization is only valid “where consultations are not missing, inapplicable, and/or determined by the service agency to be inadequate”

15 Consultations for Case-By-Case
Yellow Zone Emergency (aka “informal”) Consultation After “initial” application/burn Default requirement after preauthorization authority has expired under “initial” use definition in plan

16 Original Plan Status Plans Consultations
1995: In-Situ Burn Plan (active) 1996: Dispersant Use Plan (active) Consultations ESA list needs new species since ‘95/’96 EFH and NHPA consultations do not exist No formal (written) determination by service agencies on validity

17 Also: Standardizing Gulf Plans
Goals for RRT4 and RRT6 Collaboration Uniform policy, protocols, and forms for countermeasure use in Gulf Emergency Consultations Clear requirements Decision-makers predetermined and practiced

18 Monitor Sample Forms Consultation Product Schedule Forms Notify Assess
Too messy? Forms Consultation Product Schedule Forms Notify Assess Forms Overflight Concurrence Data Forms Monitor Documentation Outreach

19 If it happened today… Resources can still mobilize Notify RRT and SSCs
Fill out forms, begin SMART monitoring, etc. Initiate emergency consults NFMS and USFWS Get approval and concurrence Proceed

20 Burning Option: Aliceville Train Derailment - 2013


22 Vessel Decon Plan Purpose
For oiled vessels wishing to enter coastal ports Oiling results from transit through spill or plume Outline process for decontamination

23 Vessel Decon Plan Requirements
Surface washing agents approved by RRT on incident-specific basis Master of Vessel provides COTP with hull cleaning plan Cleaning conducted at sea by OSRO hired by vessel Vessel inspected and released by USCG

24 VDP Specific Language (1/2)
“GDA” COTP determines a Gross Decontamination Area out at sea for operations Outside special federal or state management jurisdictions >30ft depth “Oiled Hull” sheen emanating from hull or visible ring around waterline of vessel caused by oil

25 VDP Specific Language (2/2)
“Clean” not emitting a visible sheen “Surface Washing Agent” limited by plan to “lift and float”-type agents


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