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1st Project Meeting, Rome, 16th – 17th March 2017

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1 1st Project Meeting, Rome, 16th – 17th March 2017
T2.2 – Horizonal analysis Alessio Maria Braccini Dipartimento di Economia e Impresa, Università degli Studi della Tuscia 1st Project Meeting, Rome, 16th – 17th March 2017

2 T2.2 – Local analysis in each region
Horizontal analysis comparing the different Smart Specialization Strategies of each Region Identification of economic trends and potential underexploited assets in the different sectors List of H2020 proposals dealing with circular economy well ranked but not financed Perspective on the particular situation of islands and outermost regions D2.2 – Report on the local capabilities in each region (M7)

3 Available data Lazio x x1 Lombardia 7 Navarra x2 6 Tampere 21 Centro
Region RIS 3 Swot Focus Sectors Companies Capab. R&D Innovation Education Emerging ideas Legislation Funding instrument Lazio x x1 Lombardia 7 Navarra x2 6 Tampere 21 Centro La Reunion Scotland 3 Crete x3 17 Fryslân 10 1 1. Circularity potential data 2. Environmental, Social, and Regulatory data 3. Minor formatting issues

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