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Developments Within the Church (Byzantium):

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2 Developments Within the Church (Byzantium):
- Liturgies of Sts. John Chrysostom & Basil the Great, cycle of services and feasts - ‘Byzantine Rite’ - growing emphasis on the Holy Virgin with prominent feasts - flowering of kontakia and stichera (St. Romanos’ legacy) - Great Canon of Saint Andrew (repentance) - continuing emphasis on Christian icons and mosaics


4 Byzantine Empire, Unified but Reduced:


6 The Heresy of Iconoclasm:
- rejection of icons and their veneration (and the cult of the saints) - included panel paintings, mosaics, frescos & images on sacred vessels and vestments - influence of Islam, particularly through Leo’s Syrian background - revolt by secular culture, inspired by emperors, to liberate art from the Church - outburst of Hellenistic spirituality disdaining anything artificial or material - power: desire of Isaurian emperors to subjugate the Church to the State


8 The 7th Ecumenical Council (787 in Nicea):


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