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Pet Chaco Golden Knee Tarantula Facts

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1 Pet Chaco Golden Knee Tarantula Facts
By Kim Kuehn

2 Why own a Golden Knee? Even though they may seem intimidating, the Chaco Golden Knee is one of the most docile of arachnids. The Golden Knee does not require a lot of maintenance and are rather easy to care for. Living up to 15 years and growing up to 8.5 inches, they also make for a long time pet

3 Feeding Your Golden Knee
Tarantulas diet consists of small invertebrates from small crickets to cockroaches. They only eat once to twice a week and may not eat all if they are close to molting. They are very vulnerable during the molting process and it could potentially become the prey during that time. As you can see in the video, my tarantula is spinning silk while injecting her prey with venom. Tarantulas do not spin webs, they spin silk to keep their burrows dry and clean of dirt.


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