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Together Everyone Achieves More

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1 Together Everyone Achieves More
Welcome to Year 1 Together Everyone Achieves More

2 The Team Class Teachers Mrs Mannering 1E Monday, Thursday, Friday
Mrs Killingworth 1E Tuesday, Wednesday. Miss Walsh 1C Teaching Assistants Mrs Pezzolo/Mrs Hickman Madame Wilks (French) Mr Ottham (P.E.) Thursday

3 Transition…….. What does a day in Year 1 look like? What do we expect?

4 Year 1 Weekly Timetable English Assembly Maths Topic Guided Reading
Monday English Assembly Maths Topic Guided Reading Group 1 Phonics Tuesday Group 2 Wednesday Literacy RE Group 3 Thursday French / PE French /PE Spellings Mental Group 4 Friday Extended Writing or Editing Extended Writing Spelling Beat It Maths Pre Learning Task RE /ART Hymn Practice Group 5

5 Maths Expectations Number and Place Value (2’s, 5’s and 10’s) - 100
Addition and Subtraction (+ - =) to 20 Top Marks- website Measures (Weight/Height/Length/Mass) Fractions (half/quarter) Geometry (2D shapes) - Position Multiplication and Division (pictorial)


7 English Expectations Spelling – un words/suffixes s, es, ing, ed, er, est Year one common exception words. Punctuation – capital letters and full stops/question marks and exclamation marks when needed. Proof Reading/Drafting/Editing. Handwriting.


9 Phonics All Year 1 children will complete a national screening test the week commencing 12th June 2018. This screening will assess their ability to segment and blend words using Phase 2,3 and 5 phonemes. There will be 40 words, 20 real and 20 non real words. We do not know the words to test until the screening commences. Phonics will happen daily in the Year 1 classrooms. Phonics Play.



12 How to help your child. Flashcards provided in the pack are to support your child in reading and writing all of the phonemes. These can be used in isolation or as a game. E.g. choosing 9 sounds and playing a mini boggle game with an adult. There are phase 2,3 and 5 phoneme mats for your child to use with any written work they are doing. Year 1 common Exception Word list – the expectation is that they need to read and write all of these words by the end of Year 1. Writing Mat- to support your child’s writing Non- negotiables for reading, writing and maths.

13 Afternoons Art Science DT RE - Come and See History Geography Music

14 Homework Homework and spellings will be given out every Friday. This needs to be returned the following Thursday. The Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check sheets are intended to be done on 5 separate occasions through the week. Children are encouraged to read their reading books with an adult as often as possible. Please sign your child’s diary so that reading books can be changed on the allocated book day. Encourage your children to sound out words when you are out and about e.g. road signs, labels, advertisements etc

15 Other key points Book changing day. Fruit and water/milk.
Parent helpers. Uniform and PE kit labelled. Earrings/hair. Home arrangements .

16 Questions

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