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Peripheral Circulation & Regulation

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1 Peripheral Circulation & Regulation
Chapter 21 Peripheral Circulation & Regulation The heart is the pump that provides the major force causing blood to circulate and the blood vessels are the pipes that carry the blood to the tissues of the body and back to the heart 2 major vessel types: Systemic Vessels: Transport blood from left ventricle to the body back to right atrium Pulmonary Vessels: Transport blood from the right ventricle to the lungs back to the left atrium AP2 Chap. 21: Cardio Syst-Vessels

2 I. Functions of peripheral circulation
AP2 Chap. 21: Cardio Syst-Vessels

3 I. Fxns of peripheral circulation
5 major fxns: Carries blood Takes blood on a roundtrip from heart to tissues back to heart XD’s nutrients, waste products, & gases w/tissues Nutrients & O2 can diffuse from blood to cells Wastes & CO2 can diffuse from cells to blood Transports substances Not only the nutrients & wastes but things like hormones & immune system components Helps to regulate BP Using contractions of smooth muscle to make vessels larger or smaller Directs blood flow to tissues It can flow with purpose directing circulation to areas in need. AP2 Chap. 21: Cardio Syst-Vessels

4 VI. The dynamics of blood circulation
Laminar & turbulent flow in vessels BP Blood flow & Poiseuille’s Law Critical closing pressure & Laplace’s Law Vascular Compliance AP2 Chap. 21: Cardio Syst-Vessels

5 VI. The dynamics of blood circulation
Just like water flowing thru pipes certain relationships effect the function of the cardiovascular system these include: BP Flow Resistance Control mechanisms of BP & blood flow AP2 Chap. 21: Cardio Syst-Vessels

6 VI. The dynamics of blood circulation A
VI. The dynamics of blood circulation A. Laminar & turbulent flow in vessels Laminar flow: fluid in a smooth tube moves in a stream lined fashion It flows in concentric layers. Because the outmost blood is against the stationary wall of the vessel, it moves slowest; but as the layers go inward they become faster with the innermost fasted. Turbulent flow: when a rate of flow exceeds a critical velocity or when fluid passes a constriction, sharp turn, or rough surface. The vibrations caused by the chaotic blood flow cause sound (Some sounds thru valves in heart or BP cuff) Abnormal sounds can signal a blocked artery Figure 21.31 Page 741

7 VI. The dynamics of blood circulation B. Blood Pressure
BP measure of the force bld exerts on the blood vessel walls 2 main methods for measuring: Mercury Manometer Indirect Cannula Direct (tube inserted directly into the blood vessel) Although 2 methods exist, using a stethoscope (auscultatory methods) are more practical in a clinical setting. Korotkoff Sounds: point at which cuff loosens enough to allow for turbulent flow in the artery (represents systolic pressure #) Diastolic Pressure #: when sounds are no longer heard Figure 21.32 Page 742

8 VI. The dynamics of blood circulation B. Blood Pressure
Figure 21.31 Page 753 Figure 21.32 Page 742 AP2 Chap. 21: Cardio Syst-Vessels

9 VI. Dynamics of Blood Circulation
Poiseuille’s Law Laplace’s Law: a small D in radius dramatically D’s resistance to flow thus the amount of blood flowing thru the vessel The force acting on the wall of a blood vessel is proportional to the diameter of the vessel times BP AP2 Chap. 19: Cardiovascular Syst

10 AP2 Chap. 21: Cardio Syst-Vessels
VI. The dynamics of blood circulation C. Bld Flow & Poiseuille’s (pwah-zuh’yes) Law Blood flow: amount of bld that moves thru a vessel in a given period Blood flow is directly proportional to pressure differences BP  = Bld flow  Blood flow is inversely proportional to resistance Resistance  = bld flow  Resistance: sum of all factors that inhibit bld flow Effected by: ’s in viscosity ’s in bld vessel diameter ’s in bld vessel length AP2 Chap. 21: Cardio Syst-Vessels

11 AP2 Chap. 21: Cardio Syst-Vessels
VI. The dynamics of blood circulation C. Bld Flow & Poiseuille’s (pwah-zuh’yes) Law Viscosity: resistance of a liquid to flow Bld’s viscosity is the result of [RBC]. As hematocrit (% of total bld vol. composed of RBC’s) increases so does bld viscosity Poiseuille’s Law states that a small D in radius dramatically D’s resistance to flow thus the amount of blood flowing thru the vessel. AP2 Chap. 21: Cardio Syst-Vessels

12 AP2 Chap. 21: Cardio Syst-Vessels
VI. The dynamics of blood circulation D. Critical Closing Pressure & Laplace’s Law As pressure in a vessel , the force holding the vessel open , & the vessel tends to collapse. Critical Closing Pressure: Pressure at which the blood vessel closes and blood flow stops Laplace’s Law: The force acting on the wall of a blood vessel is proportional to the diameter of the vessel times BP F= force D= diameter P= pressure F = D * P Shock (BP drops) necrosis Aneurysm AP2 Chap. 21: Cardio Syst-Vessels

13 VI. The dynamics of blood circulation E. Vascular Compliance
Tendency for blood vessel vol to  as the BP  Vessels with a high compliance exhibit large increases in volume when pressure increases a small amount. (vise versa) Veins: 24X greater compliance than arteries Thus veins can act as storage areas (reservoirs) for blood because high compliance allows them to hold larger volume than other areas of the vascular system AP2 Chap. 21: Cardio Syst-Vessels

14 VII. Physiology of Systemic Circulation
Cross sectional area Pressure & resistance Pulse Pressure Capillary XD & regulation of interstial fluid Fxnal characteristics of veins BP & FX of gravity AP2 Chap. 21: Cardio Syst-Vessels

15 VII. Physiology of Systemic Circulation
Physiological characteristics of the circulatory system are determined by: Anatomy of circulatory system Dynamics of blood flow Regulatory mechanisms of the heart & blood vessels 84% of blood resides in the systemic blood vessels 64% in the systemic veins 15% in systemic arteries 5% in capillaries Page 743 AP2 Chap. 21: Cardio Syst-Vessels

16 VII. Physiology of Systemic Circulation A
VII. Physiology of Systemic Circulation A. Cross-sectional area of blood vessels As the diameter of blood vessels decreases their total cross-sectional area (CSA) increases and the velocity of blood flow thru them decreases Aorta= 5 cm2 cross sectional area Capillaries (each with a very small cross sectional area) The total cross sectional area of ALL capillaries = 2500 cm2 Thus the smaller vessels have more area Velocity of blood flow is greatest in the aorta but total CSA is small. Velocity of blood flow is low in capillaries, but the total CSA is large. Figure 21.33 Page 744

17 VII. Physiology of Systemic Circulation B. Pressure & resistance
BP is initially 100mmHg in the aorta ending at 0mmHg in the right atrium (high to low movement) Decreases in arterial pressure are directly proportional to resistance. With the highest encountered at the arterioles. When it gets there 85mmHg at the end 35mmHg Also fairly high resistance in the capillaries Low resistance in veins b/c they have a relatively large diameter. Arteries can contract or relax changing their diameter & pressure Figure Page 756 Figure 21.34 Page 745 AP2 Chap. 21: Cardio Syst-Vessels

18 VII. Physiology of Systemic Circulation C. Pulse Pressure
Pulse pressure equals the difference between the systolic & diastolic pressures Increases when: Stroke volume increases Vascular compliance decreases Pulse pressure waves travel thru the vascular system faster than blood flows. PP can be used to take a pulse as the artery expands with the PP waves. (radial pulse) Pg 746 Fig 21.35 AP2 Chap. 21: Cardio Syst-Vessels

19 AP2 Chap. 21: Cardio Syst-Vessels
VII. Physiology of Systemic Circulation D. Capillary XD & regulation of interstitial fluid volume 3 things affect the movement of fluid from the capillaries: BP Capillary Permeability Osmosis Capillary XD Mvmt of substances into & out of the capillary Most important method used is diffusion Nutrients, gases & hormones Some go thru fenestrations others between the cell spaces. Pinocytosis does a very small amount Net movement occurs from the blood vessel into the tissues. The lymphatic system removes XS tissue fluid. AP2 Chap. 21: Cardio Syst-Vessels

20 VII. Physiology of Systemic Circulation
Fxnal Characteristics of Veins BP & the effect of gravity Factors that increase venous return to the heart include: Increase in blood volume Venous tone (constriction or dilation of the veins) Based on SNS stimulation Arteriole dilation Hydrostatic pressure caused by gravity increases BP below the level of the heart & decreases BP above the level of the heart. AP2 Chap. 21: Cardio Syst-Vessels

21 VIII. Control of Blood Flow in the tissues
Local control of blood flow by the tissues Nervous & hormonal regulation of local circulation AP2 Chap. 21: Cardio Syst-Vessels

22 VIII. Control of Blood Flow in the tissues
Blood flow to the tissues is highly controlled and matched closely to the metabolic needs of tissues. 2 mechanisms of control are: Local Control Fxnal characteristics of the capillary bed Autoregulation of blood flow Long-term local blood flow Nervous & hormonal control AP2 Chap. 21: Cardio Syst-Vessels

23 AP2 Chap. 21: Cardio Syst-Vessels
VIII. Control of Blood Flow in the tissues A. Local control of blood flow by tissues Blood flow can vary by organ with some getting more than others with little change. Some tissues alter blood flow based on metabolic need such as skeletal muscle at rest vs. exercising (20X more flow than at rest). Blood serves to deliver nutrients & remove waste, but: Skin: blood flow dissipates heat Kidneys: eliminated metabolic waste products, regulates water balance, controls pH of body fluids Small intestine: blood removes the nutrients for liver processing AP2 Chap. 21: Cardio Syst-Vessels

24 AP2 Chap. 21: Cardio Syst-Vessels
VIII. Control of Blood Flow in the tissues A. Local control of blood flow by tissues Fxnal Characteristics of the capillary bed Capillaries can alter blood flow based on the conditions of the tissues they supply Vasomotion: cyclic fluctuation of contraction & relaxation of sphincters Vasodilator substances are prod’d as metabolism increases. They literally diffuse from the tissue to the precapillary sphincter muscles to get them to relax. Pg 751 Fig 21.37 AP2 Chap. 21: Cardio Syst-Vessels

25 AP2 Chap. 21: Cardio Syst-Vessels
VIII. Control of Blood Flow in the tissues A. Local control of blood flow by tissues Autoregulation of Blood Flow Arterial BP can D over a wide range, but blood flow remains relatively constant. Autoregulation is maintenance of blood flow by the tissues themselves. In the tissues: Build-up of metabolic waste Precapillary sphincters dilate Blood flow increases Nutrient & O2 supply adequate Precapillary sphincters constrict Blood flow decreases AP2 Chap. 21: Cardio Syst-Vessels

26 AP2 Chap. 21: Cardio Syst-Vessels
VIII. Control of Blood Flow in the tissues A. Local control of blood flow by tissues Long term regulation Long term regulation of blood flow is matched to the metabolic needs of the tissue. Metabolic activity in tissue increases over long term: Diameter & # of blood vessels increase  Results in increase in local blood flow. AP2 Chap. 21: Cardio Syst-Vessels

27 AP2 Chap. 21: Cardio Syst-Vessels
VIII. Control of Blood Flow in the tissues B. Nervous & hormonal regulation of local circulation NS control of Arterial BP- important in the minute-to-minute regulation of local circulation SNS (vasomotor center of the medulla oblongata) controls blood vessel diameter and can be influenced by other areas in the brain. Vasomotor Tone: state of partial contraction of blood vessels NS is responsible for routing the flow of blood & maintaining BP SNS action potentials stimulate adrenal medulla to release epi & norepi which cause vasoconstriction of most blood vessels (Skeletal muscle is opposite) Figure 21.38 pg 752 AP2 Chap. 21: Cardio Syst-Vessels

28 IX. Regulation of Mean Arterial BP
Short term regulation Long term regulation AP2 Chap. 21: Cardio Syst-Vessels

29 IX. Regulation of Mean Arterial BP
MAP: proportional to cardiac output times peripheral resistance Heart rate = HR Stroke volume= SV MAP= CO * PR or HR * SV * PR Thus an increase in CO, PR, HR, or SV increases MAP or vise versa 2 major control systems to maintain homeostasis: Short term Respond quickly but can’t maintain for longer than a few days Long term Primarily mechanisms that influence kidney fxn AP2 Chap. 21: Cardio Syst-Vessels

30 AP2 Chap. 21: Cardio Syst-Vessels
Regulation of MAP Short Term reg of BP Baroreceptor Reflex Adrenal Medullary Mechanism Chemoreceptor Reflexes CNS Ischemic Response Long Term reg of BP Renin-angiotensin-aldosterone Mechanism ADH mechanism Atrial Natriuretic Mechanism Fluid Shift Mechanism Stress relaxation response AP2 Chap. 21: Cardio Syst-Vessels

31 AP2 Chap. 21: Cardio Syst-Vessels
Baroreceptor Reflex Minute to minute monitoring of small changes in BP that respond quickly Figure 21.39 pg 754 AP2 Chap. 21: Cardio Syst-Vessels

32 AP2 Chap. 21: Cardio Syst-Vessels
Baroreceptor Reflex Figure 21.40 Page 755 AP2 Chap. 21: Cardio Syst-Vessels

33 Adrenal Regulatory Mechanism
Figure 21.41 Page 756 Physical activity/ stress Stimulation of Medulla oblongata Signal to SNS to adrenal medulla Releases Epi & norepi Result: Increased HR, SV, vasoconstriction of blood vessels to skin & viscera, and vasodilatation of blood vessels to heart AP2 Chap. 21: Cardio Syst-Vessels

34 AP2 Chap. 21: Cardio Syst-Vessels
Chemoreceptors Figures 21.42 Page 757 AP2 Chap. 21: Cardio Syst-Vessels

35 AP2 Chap. 21: Cardio Syst-Vessels
Figure 21.43 Page 758 Chemoreceptors AP2 Chap. 21: Cardio Syst-Vessels

36 AP2 Chap. 21: Cardio Syst-Vessels
CNS Ischemic Response Elevation of BP in response to lack of blood flow to the medulla oblongata Causes high CO2 & low pH levels Responds to emergency situations where brain is starving for O2 Vasomotor center is stimulated  stimulates vasoconstriction systemic BP rises (provided blood vessels are intact) AP2 Chap. 21: Cardio Syst-Vessels

37 AP2 Chap. 21: Cardio Syst-Vessels
Regulation of MAP Short Term reg of BP Baroreceptor Reflex Adrenal Medullary Mechanism Chemoreceptor Reflexes CNS Ischemic Response Long Term reg of BP Renin-angiotensin-aldosterone Mechanism ADH mechanism Atrial Natriuretic Mechanism Fluid Shift Mechanism Stress relaxation response AP2 Chap. 21: Cardio Syst-Vessels

38 AP2 Chap. 21: Cardio Syst-Vessels
Long term regulation Regulation of the [ ] & volume of blood by the kidneys, mvmt of fluid across blood vessel walls, & alterations in the volume of the blood vessels. Response is in minutes but maintenance can last for hours, days, longer AP2 Chap. 21: Cardio Syst-Vessels

39 Renin-angiotensin-aldosterone Mechanism
Figure 21.44 Page 760 Decreased BP detected by kidney, results in renin secretion Result: Vasoconstriction Increased H2O absorption Decreased urine volume Maintains BP Renin-angiotensin-aldosterone Mechanism AP2 Chap. 21: Cardio Syst-Vessels

40 Vasopressin (ADH) mechanism
Figure pg. 761 Increases in osmolarity of blood or decreases in BP result in ADH secretion. Increases H2O reabsorption by kidney, & large amounts result in vasoconstriction. Helps maintain BP Vasopressin (ADH) mechanism AP2 Chap. 21: Cardio Syst-Vessels

41 Summary of control of BP long term mechanisms
Page 764 Figures 21.46

42 Long term regulation of BP
Fluid Shift mechanism Stress-relaxation response Causes fluid to move from the interstitial spaces into the capillaries in response to a decrease in BP. Attempt to maintain blood volume An adjustment of smooth muscles of blood vessels in response to change in blood volume. AP2 Chap. 21: Cardio Syst-Vessels

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