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Tropical Convective Transport and TTL Structure in the UM global model

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1 Tropical Convective Transport and TTL Structure in the UM global model
Scott Hosking1, Maria Russo2, Peter Braesicke2, John Pyle2 NERC funded PhD, University of Cambridge NCAS Climate, University of Cambridge Manchester, 21 May 2009

2 Transport of VSLS to the Stratosphere
Possible Transport Pathways: Direct stratospheric Injection Loading the Upper TTL followed by slow ascent Quasi-Horizontally from the TTL

3 Scientific Questions How well is the TTL represented in current atmospheric models and how much tropical convection reaches the TTL? Are there preferential regions and seasons for Troposphere-to-Stratosphere exchange? Is convection fast and deep enough to loft biogenic very short lived species (VSLS) to the lower stratosphere?

4 Experiments We use the UKMO-UM at 60km global resolution and run for 30 days to evaluate statistical properties of convection. We investigate 4 months in 2005: Feb, May, Aug, Nov Model is evaluated against observations (OLR and Precipitation rate) We analyse regional and seasonal preferences for deep convection overshooting the Q=0 level

5 Model evaluation: Nov

6 TTL representation in 60km global UM

7 Vertical extent of convection and regional preference for deep convection
NOAA Satellite Model mass flux integrated between 12-14 km Percentage of days with convection overshooting Q=0 level

8 Convective Mass flux into the TTL

9 Convective Mass flux into the TTL

10 Seasonal variations of convective transport

11 Conclusions The location of tropical deep convection in the model is evaluated against monthly mean OLR and precipitation from satellite. The model is able to capture the pattern of convection and correlates well with observations. We show that the model representation of the surfaces delimiting the TTL is realistic. The model shows a regional preference for deep convection to occur over the Indian Ocean and the Maritime continent in Nov. The model shows highest convective transport above Q=0 level in February compared to other months. Passive tracers with various lifetimes and emission regions have been included in these model runs and we plan to investigate preferred entry regions into the UTLS and how they vary with tracer lifetime and season.

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