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Goals (and conclusions)

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Presentation on theme: "Goals (and conclusions)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Goals (and conclusions)
1. Summarize the evolution of the Laurentian craton: segmented and heterogeneous nature of the lithosphere the need for 4-D integrated studies within EarthScope. 2. Summarize results from the CD-ROM experiment: pose alternative hypotheses for reddite and blueite the need for 3-D deployments of the flexible array. 3. Summarize the Southwestern U.S. EarthScope “superexperiment” proposal: a new paradigm for integrated and inclusive regional experiments within EarthScope. 4. Muse about the best targets for a Northern Rockies “Superexperiment”: towards a single integrated EarthScope experiment in the northern Rocky Mountains.

2 History and structure of the Wyoming Archean province–
oldest parts of North American lithosphere secular change in lithospheric processes?

3 Extent of ~ 2.0 Ga Paleoproterozoic juvenile crust?
Nature of Paleoproterozoic rifting in creating long-lived lithospheric boundaries

4 Great Falls Tectonic Zone and Vulcan Structure as parts of the greater Trans-Hudson:~ Ga continent- continent collisions; “birth” of Laurentia

5 Extent of Trans-Hudson age tectonism beneath
Proterozoic accreted terranes

6 Yavapai and Mojave provinces: interaction of collisional
and accretionary orogens ~ Ga

7 Figure 3



10 Quartzite-rhyolite successions occur late in Yavapai orogeny

11 includes the Labradorian province
Mazatzal province: ~1.65 Ga juvenile crust, includes the Labradorian province

12 stitch pre-1.65 Ga accreted crust
~1.65 Ga Mazatzal plutons stitch pre-1.65 Ga accreted crust

13 1.45-1.35 Ga Belt Basin related to accretion in south??

14 Grenville orogenic cycle,
Assembly of Rodinia: juvenile crust accreted during the Grenville orogenic cycle,

15 Grenville-aged extension & widespread normal faulting
1.1 Ga Midcontinent and related rifts: mafic dike swarms, Grenville-aged extension & widespread normal faulting

16 Western margin of Laurentia
formed via Ma breakup of Rodinia, Gunbarrel Dikes & Windermere Supergroup

17 Long-lived accretionary
plate margin in southern Laurentia: Ma

18 The nature and origin of mantle heterogeneity– a problem
best solved in the Rockies CD-ROM RISTRA

19 Figure 3

20 Body Wave Tomography: RISTRA Small-scale convection?

21 Comparing CD-ROM and RISTRA:
anomalies align along Precambrian structures? The need for 3-D

22 EarthScope Southwestern U.S. Superexperiment: Diverse tectonic elements in the Southwest require a 3-D seismic experiment integrated with geology

23 EarthScope Southwestern U.S.
Superexperiment: Densification of Bigfoot (blue grid) to achieve 3-D resolution of regional tectonic provinces and 10-km-scale mantle velocity contrasts, and 4-D understanding of lithospheric evolution

24 MT images need to be integrated with seismic, geodetic, and geologic datasets

25 What is the extent to which
topography is influenced by crustal versus mantle density variations and when and how did the density structure develop?

26 The nature and origin of mantle heterogeneity– a problem
best solved in the Rockies CD-ROM RISTRA

27 Mantle to groundwater interconnections via analysis of deeply sourced
CO2 springs containing mantle-derived helium


29 Conclusions The crust and upper mantle are segmented and highly heterogeneous and cannot be well understood without a 4-D integrated approach within EarthScope. There are two models to explain large velocity transitions (redite and blueite): 1) small scale asthenospheric convection, versus 2) preservation of old compositional provinces: We need 3-D deployments of the flexible array to resolve the relative importance of each model.

30 Goals and Conclusions 3. EarthScope needs to forge a new paradigm for large integated, collaborative, and inclusive regional experiments. 4. A Northern Rockies “Superexperiment”: could propose a single integrated experiment that addresses an integrated set of uniquely well-posed problems in the northern Rocky Mountains: Yellowstone, Archean Wyoming province, west edge of Laurentia, and neotectonics of the northern Rockies.

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