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Critical Runway AssessmenT and Repair (CRATR) JCTD

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1 Critical Runway AssessmenT and Repair (CRATR) JCTD
CAPT Rick Cook USPACOM Engineer Operational Manager Mr. John Ahern (briefer) 19 March 2010

2 Overview CRATR JCTD Background Management Transition Funding Schedule
Issues & Summary 2

3 CRATR JCTD: Military Need
Existing Airfield Damage Repair (ADR) capability can’t respond to threat (puts OPLANs in jeopardy) Migrate from 3-5 large foot diameter craters to smaller foot diameter craters per salvo Current ADR methods and materials are no longer adequate Relies on manual damage assessment and Relies on Folded Fiberglass Mat (FFM) and AM-2 which were developed in response to Soviet and pre-Soviet threats and planned air battle Cannot support both “wide body” and “fighter” aircraft on the same repair FFM required for fighter ops does not support wide bodied aircraft Airfield Damage Assessment is time intensive and inadequate for multiple smaller craters– designed to repair three 50-foot craters Methods no longer adequate to meet regional threats in the Pacific and other regional requirements encountered during OEF and OIF

4 CRATR JCTD: Description
The CRATR JCTD looked at mature and emerging technologies to significantly reduce airfield damage assessment and repair time to meet the current threat while providing a repaired surface that will support both fighter and wide body aircraft on the same repair Specifically, it is looking at: Rapid assessments tied to GeoBase mapping and plotting tools New debris removal, backfilling and capping technologies 4

5 CRATR Challenge: Airfield Damage Recovery

6 CRATR JCTD Metrics

7 CRATR JCTD: Benefits to the Warfighter
Near real time damage assessment to support Minimum Airfield Operating Surface (MAOS) selection Reduced assessment and repair time to meet current operational requirement Right sized equipment to repair numerous small diameter craters Durable capping material which support both “fighter” and “wide body” aircraft Match TTPs, material, & equipment to repair requirement Restore the Airfield and essential flying operations 7

8 Management Structure G Senior Oversight Panel
Dr. Charles Perkins, OUSD AT&L Director, Complex Systems OSD Oversight Executive COL Nancy Grandy, OUSD AT&L Technical Manager Dr Craig Rutland, AFCESA RADAS Lt Andrew Kopeikin NAVAIR Mr Anthony Bruno Damage Repair Modernization AFRL Dr Athar Saeed ERDC Mr Jeb Tingle NFESC Mr Cody Reese Operational Manager Mr Bruce Fink, US PACOM J44 Operational Support Mr John Ahern, PACAF/A7 Operational Test Assessment Ms Laura Geesaman, MEC Transition Manager Mr Joe Fisher, ACC A7 8

9 Objectives and Results to Date (1 of 2)
G Implementation Directive and Integrated Assessment Plan Management & Transition Plan; CONOP under development Spiral 1 Limited Operation Utility Assessment (LOUA) Aug/Sep 08 Spiral 2 LOUA Repair Technologies Apr 09 Approached threshold requirements Risk management allow to reach threshold Repair & traffic some areas before full repair cure time Target repairs to centerline areas first, under wing areas later Spiral 2 LOUA RADAS Aug 09 Challenges in Sensor Resolution and Data Processing (to ID damage vice background clutter) Promising results for data transfer and decision tools Standing up ADR Assessment System Program Office (SPO) at ESC at Hanscom AFB Follow-up efforts in Mar 10 to lay ground work for Jul 10 LOUA 3 Validating IR signature of fake craters to ensure LOUA mix gives statistical valid results 9

10 Objectives and Results to Date (2 of 2)
G Operational Utility Assessment Repair Technologies Aug/Sep 09 Successful OUA and Live Aircraft Validation 2 Capping methods, 1 Backfill method, Equipment Set in Engineering Manufacture and Design (EMD) Packaging changes and minor equipment modifications pending OTA Final Report published Demonstrated likely ability to meet JCTD Metric threshold for crater repairs 10 craters in 5.5 hours per crew vice 1 – 2 with old methods Current R3 manning would net 7 crews--can work manning changes to bridge gap (1 additional may be sufficient) Potential efficiencies could increase craters repaired per crew Demonstrated ability to meet JCTD Metric threshold for crater durability (>3,000 passes) Standing up ADR Repair SPO at Vicksburg MS (with ERDC) On track for FY11/12 Fielding of Technologies Rate for repairs (not including startup time): 3 – 4 per hour hours might get 14 craters at current rate. 7 crews would repair 98 craters. An additional crew would get 112 craters. Efficiencies could get the rest. 10

11 Transition - JCTD Residual Assets
G Residual materials and equipment will be turned over to USPACOM Key pieces (RPA/UAVs, upheaval removal equipment) expected to be leased/rented vice purchased during demonstrations Most Residuals will be purchased after demonstrations Platforms and equipment will be acquired during transition starting with FY10 POM Crater repair materials, capping materials, special fill Acceptable material was identified and tested in the OUA Packaging is a concern due to the wet environment in the Pacific Current shelf life is very short (months – 1-2 years) EMD is working repackaging to extend shelf life delaying equipment shipping TTPs, guidance under development with services and should be fielded this FY In FY10 the modified volumetric mixer and/or the asphalt plant are available to provide as residuals, however, packaging of materials in EMD led the base (Kadena) to request that the packaging be resolved before materials are shipped. Without the materials, the equipment just takes up space so we have left with labs to use in conjunction with packaging fixes prior to sending to Kadena. 11

12 CRATR Transition: EMD/Procurement
Specific Capabilities Development Document (CDD) for ADR Modernization developed by 13 AF Funding in the FY10 POM for Joint-Service ADR transition to Engineering & Manufacturing Development (EMD), and Air Force procurement/sustainment CRATR JCTD rapid pavement repair capabilities are scheduled to transition to ADR EMD third quarter FY10 Lead service: Air Force -- POMs entire EMD Note: Each Service POMs its own procurement/sustainment of EMD deliverables

13 CRATR Transition: Initial Capabilities Documents (ICD)
CRATR JCTD (and ADR) linked to two ICDs: Air Force: Agile Combat Support (ACS), 29 Sep 05 ACS is the ability to create, protect, and sustain Air and Space Forces across the full range of military operations Lighter, Leaner, More Rapidly Deployable Forces More Timely Planning and Execution Capability Agile, Responsive, Effective Sustainment Responsive, Well-Integrated Command and Control (C2) Army: Air & Ground Lines of Communication (LOC) Repair & Construction 4 of 11 Capability Gaps pertain to airfields Airfield Construction Airfield Damage Repair Maximum-on-Ground (MOG) Expansion Infrastructure Assessment No separate ADR ICD required…above requirements drive ADR modernization need

14 CRATR Transition: Integrated Schedule

15 ADR Modernization Matrix
ADR Component PACOM and/ or CENTCOM Modernization Effort/Venue Status Notes Assessment Both RADAS - planned EMD FY12 start LOUA in Aug 09 Challenging Integration UXO Safing Component of ADR Mod program Planned FY12 EMD start EOD community to define requirements Pavement Repairs PACOM CRATR JCTD - EMD start FY10 OUA in Aug 09 CENTCOM ADR Modernization Program - EMD start FY10 Leverage CRATR JCTD Some mat technologies remain NAVAIDS A3 and 6 Must research Airfield management working some NAVAID modernization Emergency Airfield Lighting (EALS) BEAR program working “form-fit/function” replacement vice R&D RFP in draft at WR BEAR Weapons System office (WSO) Will replace current EALS with expanded capes - LED tech/NVG ops compatibility Mobile Aircraft Arresting System Not required at this time Rapid Utility Repair Kit (RURK) Re-negotiate contracts to make available in GSA Only available in PACAF Need to be able to expand access/ training as threat spreads to other theaters -no modernization efforts funded Rubber Removal Component of FY10 ADR Mod Program Initial procurement possible FY10 or 11 Will refine capes of prototype deployed to AFCENT now


17 TRL - Damage Repair Matched right equipment/applicators to various repair materials Quality, flush repairs - eliminate bandaid-type repair bump

18 AF FY10 POM Initiative: ADR Allocation

19 Funding A 19

20 Schedule Complete Implementation Directive July 2008
G Complete Implementation Directive July 2008 Complete IAP July 2008 Complete Management and Transition Plan July 2009 Spiral 1 LOUA (Tyndall AFB, FL) Aug/Sep 2008 RADAS Sensor Suite Evaluation (Yuma, AZ) Mar 2009 Spiral 2 LOUA (Tyndall AFB, FL) Apr 2009 Spiral 3 OUA (Avon Park AFR, FL) Aug 2009 Transition Crater Repair Technologies FY10 Spiral 4 RADAS OUA (Yuma, AZ) TBD 21

21 Way Ahead March 2010: Complete CDD and RSR brief
Complete RADAS Crater simulation validation and analysis April 2010: Test RADAS at Yuma Meet with Repair SPO to work priorities for finishing OUA analysis and moving forward with EMD June 2010: Complete EMD Plan for FY11 July 2010: RADAS LOUA 3 at Avon Park FL with SPO participation October 2010: Begin fielding of CRATR capabilities ~ January 2011: RADAS OUA 22

22 JCTD Issues A IT approval (for frequencies & COMSEC concerns) to field the RADAS capability may be significant Host Nation approval for RPA use RPA Operator AFSC/MOS CRATR budget for RADAS Other Services need to incorporate funding in their POM

23 Summary Management Results to Date Transition Funding Schedule
Excellent team Results to Date Successfully demonstrated repair technologies which are quicker, more durable, and easy to use Final TTPs for new technologies and repackaging for shelf life/logistics Promising improvements on assessment Transition Need JCD to pass through JCIDS process AF Transition – Established ADR Modernization Program of Record System Program Offices (SPOs)—Repair at ERDC, Assessment at ESC Funding JCTD funding support strong Schedule RADAS LOUA 3 scheduled for 12 – 23 July 2010 at Avon Park, OUA TBD Problems/Issues Initial assessment of Sensor/Processor/Comm Syst TRL was overly optimistic, expect TRL to not reach 8 until FY10/11 G G A A A 24

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