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District Presentation

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1 District Presentation
ESCUELA POPULAR PROPOSED TENANT IMPROVEMENT PLANS for former pala school site Alum Rock Union Elementary School District Governing Board Special Meeting October 19, 2016 District Presentation

2 Pala Site · 23 Classrooms · Admin. Office · Library · Multi-Use Room · Locker Room bldg. · Ancillary facilities (From ARUSD Master Facilities Plan, 2010 Update)

3 Escuela Popular – December 2015 Proposal

4 Lease Terms Lease §5.04(a)(2)(i) and (ii):
“(i) Landlord shall have until thirty (30) days from receipt of Tenant's initial submittal of the proposed Tenant Improvement Plans, or five (5) business days after Landlord's next scheduled Regular Board Meeting, whichever period is longer, to communicate its approval or disapproval. If Landlord fails to respond within such period, such failure shall be conclusively considered to be approval of the Tenant Improvement Plans as proposed. If Landlord timely disapproves the initial proposed Tenant Improvement Plans, then the procedures set forth in Subsection (ii) below shall be followed. (ii) Following Landlord’s disapproval of the Tenant Improvement Plans, Tenant shall submit revised Tenant Improvement Plans within thirty (30) days receiving Landlord’s notice of disapproval. Landlord shall have thirty (30) days from delivery of Tenant’s submittal of the revised Tenant Improvement Plans to communicate its approval or disapproval. If Landlord fails to respond within the thirty (30) day period, such failure shall be conclusively considered to be approval of the tenant Improvements Plans as revised. If Landlord timely disapproves the revised Tenant Improvement Plans, then the procedures set forth in this Subsection (ii) shall be repeated until Landlord’s concerns have been addressed to Landlord’s reasonable satisfaction.”

5 Lease Terms - continued
Lease §1.02: “’Premises’ in this Lease means the Real Property and the Existing Improvements as generally shown on Exhibit B hereto, exclusive of the Off Premises Parking Area (to the extent depicted therein) and exclusive of any Tenant Improvements hereafter constructed or located on the Premises by Tenant in accordance with this Lease, all as defined below: B. "Existing Improvements" means the approximately 56,460 square feet of buildings, fields, a track, the black top, parking lots, and landscape areas and all other improvements on, about, over, or under the Real Property as shown on Exhibit B and existing as of the Commencement Date.” [Emphasis added.]

6 Lease Terms - continued
Lease §5.01(A): “Tenant shall not demolish, remove or reconstruct any existing buildings or Existing Improvements without Landlord's prior written consent, which Landlord may grant or deny in its own absolute discretion ” (Emphasis added.)

7 Existing Site – Aerial Photo

8 Lease: Exhibit B-1

9 Escuela Popular – October 2016 Rev. Proposal

10 Escuela Popular – October 2016 Proposed Plan

11 Escuela Popular – Proposed Site Plan

12 Escuela Popular – Sports Field Plan

13 Escuela Popular - Enrollment

14 Escuela Popular – Staffing

15 Escuela Popular Proposed Parking Supply
Total Parking Spaces Needed: 266 (EP 2d Draft Initial Study, p.78) On-Site Parking deficit: 164 spaces ( ) EP parking proposal: (1) 79 vehicles to park on streets in the vicinity of the school; (2) EP high school students will be required to park off-site; and (3) off-site parking supply of up to 85 spaces per agreements with other schools or entities. (2d Draft Initial Proposal, p. 76) Location of Proposed On-Site Parking # On-Site Parking Spaces Lot 1 (new, western side of property) 52 Spaces Lot 2 (existing, near cafeteria) 20 Spaces Lot 3 (new, along White Road) 30 Spaces Total planned on-site parking 102 Spaces

16 Proposed Plan - Parking


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