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Review of Current Ordinance:

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1 Review of Current Ordinance:
Special event permit

2 Sec.13-21 vs. Sec.13-22.1 Sec. 13-21 Special Event Permits
Sec Special Event Permit (not Spring Break) The City Council or the City Manager may designate a Special Events period and permits may be granted during such period for setting up temporary outdoor facilities both on beachfront properties and seaward of the City’s building line. These permits shall be granted with special conditions and requirements as the City Manager or designee may believe is necessary to preserve the public beaches and the general health and safety of the users thereof. Any person desiring to set up any type of temporary facility during the Special Event period on the beach shall comply with the following: A Special Event (not during Spring Break) shall mean an event recommended by the City of South Padre Island Convention & Visitors Authority and approved by the City Council of the City or the City Manager. Any organizer or organization seeking status as a Special Event must comply with the following requirements to obtain a permit, to-wit:

3 Sec.13-21 vs. Sec.13-22.1 Sec. 13-21 Special Event Permits
Sec Special Event Permit (not Spring Break) No facilities or fixtures will destroy dunes and/or vegetation. The applicant will provide sanitary facilities. The application shall comply with all requirements of the Building Dept. and shall be approved by the beachfront property owner. The permit is only valid for the specific Special Event period. No sales on the beach. A need for the Special Event shall be demonstrated. If the event organizer is seeking funding from the CVB, submit the application to the CVB. An event and site plan addressing security, health, litter control and parking must be filed. Vending and/or sales may be permitted within the defined space including the beach. The event may not destroy dunes and/or vegetation or impair public beach accesses and use of the public beach. The event may be located on unimproved property if has the owner’s consent as long as it is zoned for such activity.

4 Sec.13-21 vs. Sec.13-22.1 Sec. 13-21 Special Event Permits
Sec Special Event Permit (not Spring Break) G) Temporary signage must be approved. H) Parking and sanitary facilities shall be provided. I) Storage of items for the event may be authorized by the permit. J) Although the usage of the existing parking area will not be a violation of the Ordinances, the event site plan must address the parking needs. K) Temporary parking permit (Sec.13-22) may be utilized. L) No permit for “A” and “E” Districts. M) Any activity authorized by the permit shall not be a violation. N) The permit is only valid for the specific Special Event period.

5 Sec.22-8.1 Beach Special Event s Permitting
The City must approve all beach special events activities prior to the commencement of such activities. The City Council or the City Manager may designate a Special Events Period [length of time] and permits may be granted during such period for setting up temporary outdoor facilities both on beachfront properties and seaward of the City’s Historic Building Line established by the Attorney General of Texas. A Beach Special Events Permit is only valid for the specific Special Events period [length of time] and not for any other Special Events period. Each Special Events period requires a separate permit. These permits shall be granted with special conditions and requirements as the City Manager or his/her designee may believe is necessary to preserve the public beaches and the general health and safety of the users thereof. A copy of the permit issued by the City will be forwarded to the General Land Office and the Office of the Attorney General for their files no later than five (5) days from the date the City issued the permit. Any person desiring to set up any type of temporary facility during the Special Event period on the beach shall comply with the following:

6 Sec No facility or manufacture may be set up in a manner to destroy dunes and/or vegetation. No outdoor facility or manufacture may be set up that will impair public access to the beach or use of the public beach. Any applicant obtaining Special Event permit will provide whatever sanitary facilities that the City believes are reasonably necessary as a result of the number of people being attracted to the Special Event Activities. The permit will specifically describe the facilities being set up and what will be left in place overnight and shall comply with all requirements of the Building Department that pertain to safe installations. Any application for permit must either be signed by the beachfront property owner or have a letter of consent from the beachfront property owner for the applicant seeking the permit. No sales of any nature may take place on the beach (seaward of the Historic Building Line).

7 Staff Recommendation Staff recommends the City Council consolidate several unclear policy sections into one fine-tuned section devoted to Special Event Permit.

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