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Television is simply automated daydreaming. -Lee Lovinger

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1 Television is simply automated daydreaming. -Lee Lovinger
By: Nick Goette and Tyler Meyer

2 Beginnings of Television
Inventors from all over the world had been working on transmitting pictures or objects onto a screen since the 1830’s but the first physical television didn’t evolve until 1900’s. Five men became the most popular and prestigious inventors of what we know today as television, giving the history of TV a rich beginning: Paul Nipkow, John Baird, Charles Jenkins, Vladmir Zworykin, Philo Farnsworth History of Televison Video (

3 Two Paths At the dawn of television history there were two distinct paths of technology experimented with by researchers. Mechanical V.S. Electronic

4 Creation of Mechanical Television https://www. youtube. com/watch

5 Electronic Television
First televisions broadcasted in monochrome, which showed up as black and white on the screen. The screens no bigger than a dollar coin, actors on the screen would have to step in and out of camera to act out plays. Vladmir Zworykin showing a young woman an electronic television.

6 The Evolution of Television https://www. youtube. com/watch

7 Jumping Ahead By the 1950’s, there was fewer than 10,000 televisions in households in the US, which would later be crushed in 1960 with over 52 million. With television becoming a prominent source of media, delivery systems for the broadcasts started to appear. Terrestrial: Transmitters on high elevations. Cable: Connected cables to run TV for smaller towns. CATV was the first to do this. Satellite: Rooftop dishes to pick up electronic waves. DirectTV and Dish Network only two satellite companies. Community Antenna Television

8 I Got A Question! (actually a few so hang in there!)
How many of you have had a television in your household? -What do you watch primarily on TV? -Why do you watch that program?

9 Television Programming
When televisions became more widespread, the material they showed need to become more broad as well. Starting with news broadcasts and plays, more genres of material started to show up as television progressed. Genres such as sitcoms, drama, and reality started to make their main stay on television.

10 Popular Shows By The Decades (https://www. youtube. com/watch
-1930s- The Wizard of Oz, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, King Kong, The Three Stooges 1940s- The Looney Tunes, Popeye I Love Lucy, Today Show, Leave it to Beaver, Tom and Jerry 1960’s- Days of our life, Star Trek, The Brady Bunch, The Twilight zone Charlies Angels, The Brady Bunch, Bewitched 1980’s- Dallas, 60 Minutes, The Dukes of Hazard, The Cosby Show 1990’s- The Simpsons, Law and Order, Friends, SpongeBob SquarePants, Full House

11 Television Today Becoming clearer through the use of high definition and Blu-ray, images broadcasted on television are becoming more realistic looking. Over the past 10 years, the median size of the average TV has increase from 34 inches to 48 inches and commercial breaks are around 3 minutes long. Advertising has become a major source of funds for television companies.

12 TV Programming Today 10 Most Popular TV Shows as of Big Bang Theory Rock 3. How I Met Your Mother 4. Game of Thrones 5. The Walking Dead 6. Breaking Bad 7. Castle 8. Downtown Abbey 9. The Bachelor 10. Homeland

13 Television Moving To Internet https://www. youtube. com/watch
Shows are starting to become more exclusive by only being streamed through Internet websites, such as Hulu and Netflix. HBO is starting to make a premium package for customers that watch shows online. Blockbuster closed permenately because of this.

14 Questions For You! As shows and movies start to move online, is television starting to die out?

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