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Reducing Workplace Injuries

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1 Reducing Workplace Injuries

2 Workplace injury facts
In 2007/2008 there were: 229 people were killed in UK workplaces Approximately 150,000 were seriously injured These were accidents reported to the HSE. These are the workplace injury facts, In 2007/2008 there were: 229 people were killed in UK workplaces Approximately 150,000 were seriously injured What do you think a serious injury is? Give some examples, such as broken arm, broken leg, dislocated shoulder or hip, loss of conscious. These were accidents reported to the HSE All these accidents were reported to the Health & Safety Executive….HSE. These would have to have been reported within 24 hours of the accident occuring, otherwise NPTCBC could be subject to legal action and a fine being given to them. Give accident/incident reporting form out to attendees to view and you explain how to complete it.

3 Causes of the fatal workplace accidents last year?
Falls from height Struck by moving vehicle Struck by moving or falling objects 40 Contact with electricity 18 Trapped by something overturning / collapsing Other causes Total These are the causes of fatal accidents at work for last year across the UK:- Falls from height This could have been form a ladder, step ladder, scaffolding, falling form a roof whilst working. Struck by moving vehicle Struck by moving or falling objects Contact with electricity Trapped by something overturning /collapsing Other causes What do you think this could be? Slips, trips/falls, Fire, Contact with moving machinery. This is a large number, the HSE wants to reduce this number to as low as possible, so they are looking at certain work areas like construction, farming, manufacturing which are the high risk work areas.

4 Main causes of ‘over 3-day’ injuries in the workplace 2006-2007?
Manual handling - 48,000 Slips, trips and falls – 27,000 Struck by moving or falling objects – 13,000 Falls from height – 4,000. Main causes of ‘over 3-day’ injuries in the workplace … Explain to the attendees what is involved in 3 day injuries Can you give some examples of over 3 day injuries. Manual handling - 48,000 Slips, trips and falls – 27,000 Being struck by moving or falling objects – 13,000 Falls from height – 4,000 These need to be reported to the HSE within 10 days. Your line manager and a Health & Safety Officer will investigate these accidents in NPTCBC. It is important to find out why the accident has happened and perhaps put in additional control measures to try and reduce the chance of accidents happening again.

5 NPTCBC Accident Statistics
These are NPTCBC’s accidents since 2005. Go through the stats. Main points:- Decrease in total number of accidents year on year Decrease in number of lost time accidents – this is where time has been lost due to an accident at work. Decrease in the RIDDOR reportable accidents, this again is a year on year decrease. Why the decrease? Can you give some reasons for this. Can be:- implementing OHSAS 18001, improved contact with Health & Safety officers (out on site), improved training/information for staff and managers, implementations of risk assessments, ownership of Health & Safety by NPTCBC staff, awareness of Health & Safety procedures etc. Continuous improvement Practical safety Consistency Total Number of Accidents Total Number of Lost Time Accidents Total Number of RIDDOR Reportable Accidents

6 How do employers prevent workplace injuries?
Identify hazards and how to control them Develop safe ways of working Record the safe way of working Communicate the safe way of working (training, supervision). How do employers prevent workplace injuries? How has your line manager prevented workplace injuries happening within your team? One way would be to undertake risk assessments with the team to identity hazards and put in place controls measures. Identify hazards and how to control them Develop safe ways of working Introduce ways of working safely so it reduces the chance of injuries occuring, such as safe systems of work, method statements, localised working procedures such as lone working. Record the safe way of working Why record this information? Because it available for all the team to see and a legal requirements to have records to prove an assessment of the work activity has been undertaken. Communicate the safe way of working (training, supervision) Everyone in the team needs to understand the risk assessments and documented safe ways of working, this is vital for everyone to know what to do and so the procedures are followed as part of the work activity. Training and education play an important role in this area.

7 Do you know… The main hazards associated with your workplace?
How they are being controlled? Who do you report hazards to? Where do you find the safe ways of working?. Ask and discuss the following….. The main hazards associated with your workplace? How they are being controlled? Who do you report hazards to? Where do you find the safe ways of working?

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