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2017-2018 Welcome to a new year.

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Presentation on theme: "2017-2018 Welcome to a new year."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to a new year

2 School Development Plan
Reading Assessment in Writing Interventions Leading Parent Partnership Coordinator Leadership

3 Safeguarding Article19 Prevent Female Genital Mutilation
Child Sexual Exploitation E- Safety – children taught, need to take responsibility Safeguarding Article19

4 Where can you find out about our Practice?
Website- Policies/Safeguarding Designated Safeguarding Leads We have a responsibility to your child

5 Building Works Due to be finished by half term Unisex toilets
Parents will be invited to visit

6 PTA Please

7 National curriculum In September 2015, the new national curriculum became statutory for all pupils. The most significant changes were the higher expectations of younger pupils and the removal of level. Children are now judged against age related expectations. These expectations have changed again slightly within the last two weeks.

8 Working significantly beyond
Reporting to parents Working in partnership with parents is important, in order to support communication between parents and school we will be issuing termly assessment reports. It is important to understand that no pupils will achieve their age related expectation until towards the end of the academic year as they won’t have covered all the objectives for that year. It is also important to understand this curriculum is significantly more challenging. Subject Working towards Working within Achieve Working beyond Working significantly beyond Target Maths Needs to develop knowledge and understanding of times table facts. Reading Needs to use the text to evidence his answers. Writing Continue to develop use of complex sentences – focus on adverbial phrases.


10 Curriculum coverage

11 Handwriting Progression Criteria Y3 – Y6 Joined handwriting and presentation is very important as books are the main evidence of progress Age related expectation for Year 3 Age related expectation for Year 4 Age related expectation for Year 5 Age related expectation for Year 6 Writing sits on the line in the majority of cases. Letters formed accurately. There is no mix of capitals and lowercase letters within words. Developing a consistent size and shape of letter formation with ascenders and descenders clearly distinguished. Finger spaces left between words. Starting to show correct use of diagonal and horizontal strokes needed to join letters. Some letters will be joined. Letters will be joined in most cases, children will show that they know when to join and when not to join adjacent letters. All writing sits on the line. Consistent size and shape of letter formation with ascenders and descenders clearly distinguished. Correct spacing evident between all words. Down strokes of letters are parallel and equidistant ALL writing is clearly legible Writing is demonstrating an emerging fluent style The vast majority of writing is joined In a given session, children produce an appropriate amount of writing (as a guide) 15 mins = 2 paragraphs 30 mins = 4 paragraphs 45 mins = one side of A4 ALL the criteria from year 5 is met plus there is emerging evidence of Handwriting being adapted for purpose and effect A personalised cursive style of handwriting has been created that shows ‘WOW’ factor.

12 Homework Thank you for your support and payment.
Almost all pupils will be issued homework books that are at the level expected for their age. This may mean children find the tasks challenging but it is important for all stakeholders to know what is expected for their age related expectations. Homework will be set to consolidate work completed in class so please refer to the grid at the front of the book to know which pages to complete. Please do not simply work through the book, new books will not be issued. If you would like to keep the answers please cut them out and keep


14 Trips Enrichment and visits are incredibly important to further develop children’s learning. Very shortly you will receive a letter requesting payment. After discussion with our parent forum last year, it was felt that asking for the full amount at the beginning of the year was easier for parents and school. Unfortunately we do not have the budget to subsides trips; if parent payments don’t cover the coat they will be cancelled.

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