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Students’ observation

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1 Students’ observation
Erasmus+ Project: ,,Learning trough to keep children at school” № TR01-KA _1

2 The survey was conducted 3 times in 6 partner schools.
First time in January 2016 attended by 1015 students. Second time in December 2016 attended by 1025 students. Last time in May 2017 attended by 995 students.

3 After we compare the results we have seen that student’s motivation is increased. Most students in all partner countries come to school with pleasure. 10% more students come regularly at the end of the project, 13% more can talk with their teachers and around 30% are Happier at school! 1st year 2nd year 3rd Always 70,6% 80, 6% 88,6% 62% 58% 75,5% 50% 65,3% 79,6 Q1- S/he comes to school regularly Q2- S/he can talk to me when s/he has a problem. Q3- S/he is happy at school, s/he gets on well with her/his friends.

4 -All students work better in group
-All students work better in group. They share their knowledge and experience; -All students are agree with these statements, their opinions are that school and classroom atmosphere promote her/him to study harder; - More students from all schools 67% are encouraged to use their creativity ; -Due to the project our students have positive attitude- they learn a lot of new things and practices via the environment issues-they give positive answers. Q4 S/he listens to classes curiously, participates in group works and social activities. Q5 S/he believes that learning is an enjoyable process. Q6 School and classroom atmosphere promote her/him to study harder. Q7 S/he is encouraged to use her/his creativity not only in classrooms ,also in her/his whole life. Q8 S/he recognizes the environment and the world.

5 Q9- S/he is an active learner by doing and experiencing the activities and this leads to permanent learning and successful pupils. ,,Learning by doing” is one of the most interesting teachers approaches and almost all students like it.

6 Extracurricular activities
S/he has a desire to join in extracurricular activities as these are chosen according to their interests. Students –around 80% have desire always or usually to join in extracurricular activities- they make learning an enjoyable process.

7 -Students are socialized by expressing them self and they are
Q12- S/he develops social skills through cooperative learning and gain cooperation skill and sense of responsibility. Q18-S/he socializes by expressing herself/himself and s/he is more active learner -Great number students (772= 77,6%) know what are social activities and they take part in them. -Students are socialized by expressing them self and they are more active learners- which is one of the project goal!

8 Almost 100% consider school a fun place!
Q13- S/he sees schools as fun places, which leads feeling desire to come to school regularly. Almost 100% consider school a fun place!

9 Q14-S/he develops her/his digital skills with this project
Q14-S/he develops her/his digital skills with this project. Q15- S/he increases her/his academic success. Most Romanian students (90%)develop their digital skills. Turkish, Bulgarian, Greek and Polish around and Italian around 60%. Students from all countries increased their academic success after the end of the project Only 5 students- 2 from Turkey, 2 from Bulgaria and 1 from Greece did not increase their success.

10 Strengths : CONCLUSION
- At the end of the project all partner schools took part in the last survey. Compared to second survey 30 students less were included. -Most students are from Romania-343 and less from Poland. -Due to the activities of the project we can see positive results, answers and opinions. -The most important result is that the number of dropouts has decreased, which is the main aim of the project! CONCLUSION No dropouts from Romania, Poland, Bulgaria, Italy and Turkey for the last school term!

11 The most important issues of the study show the following results: Activities of the project increases students` desire to come to school! More students( %) come to school- Always; Almost 80% -10% MORE of all students are socialized by expressing themselves and they are more active learners; 75,5 %-13% MORE from all schools always can talk with their teachers when they have problem; 80%. are HAPPIER- 30 % MORE, number is increased compare with last year survey; 80% always believe learning is an enjoyable process- MORE 30%! 67% are encouraged to use their creativity in classroom and in their different activities; Learning by doing” is one of the most interesting teachers approaches and almost all students like it; Due to the project our students have positive attitude, they learn a lot new things and practices vie the environment issues, they work better in group. They share their knowledge and experience.

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