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Nutrition in Protists, Hydra, Earthworm & Grasshopper

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1 Nutrition in Protists, Hydra, Earthworm & Grasshopper


3 A. Nutrition in Protists
1. Ameba/Amoeba (Two spellings) Contractile Vacuole Pseudopod Food engulfed by pseudopods Food Vacuole

4 *Is digestion intracellular or extracellular? Egestion
Ingestion- Surrounds food with pseudopods and food becomes enclosed in a food vacuole. Digestion *Challenge* Which organelle do you think joins the food vacuole and secretes enzymes into the vacuole? Food vacuole joins a Lysosome. Enzymes from lysosome digest food in vacuole End products of digestion absorbed through wall of food vacuole into cytoplasm. *Is digestion intracellular or extracellular? Egestion Undigested materials (wastes) released from food vacuole through cell membrane

5 2. Paramecium -Watch the following animation of the paramecium and try to determine how it moves and takes in food differently from the amoeba

6 2. Paramecium Gullet Oral Groove Food Vacuole Forming Cilia
Contractile Vacuole

7 -Ingestion- (Is the process different in the paramecium? If so, how?)
Yes, Cilia sweep food down oral groove into gullet and food enters food vacuole -Digestion- (Is the process different in the paramecium? If so, how?) Same as amoeba!!!! -Egestion Undigested materials in food vacuole carried to anal pore (in cell membrane) and released.

8 B. Nutrition in Hydra Mouth Gastrovascular Cavity Ectoderm Endoderm

9 Endoderm cells secrete enzymes into
-Ingestion Food drawn into mouth by tentacles which contain nematocysts (stingers that paralyze prey), and food moved into the gastrovascular cavity. -Digestion Endoderm cells secrete enzymes into gastrovascular cavity breaking down food… (Extracellular or Intracellular digestion??) Food particles then enter endoderm for further digestion….. -

10 -Egestion Wastes egested through mouth

11 Review Questions How does ingestion in the ameba & paramecium differ?
Describe digestion in the ameba & paramecium… is this intracellular or extracellular digestion? How does the hydra ingest food? How does the hydra digest food… intra or extra digestion?

12 C. Nutrition in Earthworm
anus gizzard sm. intestine pharynx crop esophagus mouth

13 Ingests soil. Muscular action pulls soil into mouth. Food passes through into crop. Food stored temporarily. Grinds food…. Mechanical Digestion Digests food by enzymes... Chemical Digestion Nutrients absorbed and enter the blood. Fold in the intestine that increase surface area for maximum absorption of nutrients.

14 C. Nutrition in Grasshopper
Digestive glands gizzard anus esophagus crop rectum stomach Salivary glands intestine mouth Type of Digestive System – Tubular Digestive System

15 Ingests food. Salivary glands secrete saliva into mouth to moisten food Food passes through into crop. Food stored temporarily. Food is grinded...Mechanical Digestion Food chemically digested by enzymes made by digestive glands. Nutrients absorbed. Water absorbed into blood. Wastes stored temporarily. Wastes eliminated.

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