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BYO Poetry Today you need… handout (a blank piece of paper)

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Presentation on theme: "BYO Poetry Today you need… handout (a blank piece of paper)"— Presentation transcript:

1 BYO Poetry Today you need… handout (a blank piece of paper)
Friday’s handout  writing utensil hardcopy of the poem you brought to share extra credit (if you have it) can go in your bin

2 Guess what I brought! =D

3 "An Open Letter to Stanford University"
During this performance, listen for answers to the following: What is the topic of this spoken word poem? What does the speaker want? How do you know? Consider quick writing about one of the following: What is the message of this poem? Why is that message significant? What line of this poem resonates with you the most? Critical Literary Theory Consider this text through the lens of Marxist theory; what greater understandings can you now access? What happens when you use the lens of critical race theory? "An Open Letter to Stanford University" written and performed by Tucker Bryant

4 (Re)read your poem—slowly
(Re)read your poem—slowly! Pay attention to every word, punctuation mark, and line/stanza break. (1 min) Write about what you read. (2 min) What do you love about this text? Why does this text matter to you? What message is the writer and/or speaker communicating? Are there critical literary theories you could apply for a different perspective? Pass your poem (but not what you wrote) to your left. Repeat above process until all poems return to their owners. Read-Write-Pass

5 Facilitator: keep group on task/focused, mediate conflict, manage time
Recorder: take “minutes” or record important points/findings; report back to class. Motivator: give team members feedback on participation, ensure all group members are heard Reflector: keep track of dynamics of group process; provide comments on focus, direction, organization, listening skills, and participation of members Discussion Roles

6 So, what did you think? You have twenty minutes for discussion.
(That’s five minutes per poem.)

7 Start an analysis of whatever text you’ve chosen—whether it’s one that you brought, or one someone else shared. Make sure you choose a literary theory. Remember: Reader’s Response is not an option for your poetry analysis paper. Write to think. Write extensively; plan to fill (at least) a full page. Pick a poem and write.

8 Homework Bring us another poem tomorrow—HARD COPY.
Remember, these are supposed to be poems you’re interested in analyzing for your paper… Given the above, I’d like to strongly suggest: NO HAIKUS. Need help? Try! Homework

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