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Succeeding in English..

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Presentation on theme: "Succeeding in English.."— Presentation transcript:

1 Succeeding in English.

2 General tips: Create a revision timetable that takes exam dates into account Keep revision sessions to appropriate times e.g. 15 minutes to create a mindmap, 45 minutes to write a practice Literature essay Focus revision sessions on particular aspects of topics e.g. a theme in Macbeth, a character in An Inspector Calls etc. Focus on gaps in skills/knowledge Keep revision at the forefront of conversation at home

3 English Language English Literature The Papers:
Paper 1: Explorations in Creative Reading and Writing (1h 45m) Paper 2: Writers’ Viewpoints and Perspectives (1h 45 m) English Language Paper 1: Shakespeare and The 19th Century Novel (1h 45m) Paper 2: Modern Texts and Poetry (2h 15m) English Literature

4 Key points: Everything rests on the exam, therefore a carefully planned, strategic approach is needed. Careful preparation will inevitably lead to success; “fail to prepare, prepare to fail”. Students need to KNOW a lot of stuff. Last minute cramming won’t work anymore; this is a long process with a definite endgame.

5 The Process: Revise Practise Feedback Adjust Repeat

6 Revise: the building blocks.
Spaced retrieval Interleaving Making notes Mindmaps Lists Flashcards Self-quizzing Peer-quizzing Memory games Don’t just reread and highlight!

7 Deliberate Practice Strategic focus Every question Timed conditions

8 Feedback: the only way to know how to improve.
Self-assessment (later) Peer-feedback Teacher feedback

9 Reflect on what to change
Adjust Consider www/ebi Reflect on what to change Make adjustments

10 Repeat: repetition leads to mastery.
Revise Practise Feedback Adjust Repeat

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