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ConnectWise Offer Melanie Noe

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Presentation on theme: "ConnectWise Offer Melanie Noe"— Presentation transcript:

1 ConnectWise Offer Melanie Noe
Solution Strategist – Microsoft Cloud SME

2 ConnectWise CloudConsole Manage - Monitor – Bill
Centralize Cloud Management Manage Office 365 & Azure accounts from one place. Reduce the complexity and time spent managing user accounts. With ConnectWise’s CloudConsole module, you can efficiently manage all users, groups, mailboxes, virtual servers, SQL databases, websites, and storage from one place, and add or remove accounts with ease. Proactively monitor for issues Monitoring in CloudConsole puts you in control as a cloud solution provider. Set monitors for Office 365 or Azure services, so anytime there’s a disruption or outage, notifications put you in a position to be proactive with your clients. You can also set alerts on usage to proactively upsell clients when they’re close to capacity. Ease Billing Pains with Automation CloudConsole fully automates the billing process, saving you time counting users, updating Agreements for Office 365 and Azure accounts, and delivering your customer a single invoice. When accounts come online mid-month, CloudConsole prorates the billing so you don’t lose out on valuable revenue.


4 ConnectWise Partner Rebate Offer
FAQ ConnectWise Partner Rebate Offer I am not sure if I registered last quarter during the open registration period. How do I know if I am qualified? Not a problem. Reach out to your Microsoft PCDM or contact Melanie ConnectWise to confirm. I am a Direct (Tier 1) Microsoft Partner. I am eligible for this rebate? YES! This rebate offer is available to both Direct Tier 1 and Indirect Tier 2 Microsoft Partners. This includes CSP purchases through Distribution. What are the rebate coverage dates and payout dates? January 1st – March 31st = Payout Within 90 days April 15th – June 27th = Payout within 90 Days What products are included? Office 365 Business, Office 365 Pro Plus, Office 365 Suites with Office, Office 365 Suites without Office, Project Cloud, Office 365 Exchange Online, SharePoint Online, Visio Online, Skype for Business Online Do we have to own CloudConsole to be eligible? No. This is not a requirement to earn rebate.

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