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اساس اندازه گیری در سل کانتر

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Presentation on theme: "اساس اندازه گیری در سل کانتر"— Presentation transcript:

1 اساس اندازه گیری در سل کانتر
اساس اندازه گیری در سل کانتر

2 سل کانتر Orphee

3 Electrolytes solutions allow current to pass from them شرکت سپهر آنالیز


5 A red cell passes through RBC aperture
The CBC principle A red cell passes through RBC aperture Red Blood Cell Sensing Zone Oscilloscope Oscilloscope

6 A red cell passes through RBC aperture
The CBC principle A red cell passes through RBC aperture Red Blood Cell Sensing Zone Oscilloscope Oscilloscope

7 A red cell passes through RBC aperture
The CBC principle A red cell passes through RBC aperture Red Blood Cell Sensing Zone Oscilloscope Oscilloscope

8 A White cell passes through WBC aperture
The CBC principle A White cell passes through WBC aperture Neutrophil Oscilloscope Sensing Zone Oscilloscope

9 A White cell passes through WBC aperture
The CBC principle A White cell passes through WBC aperture Neutrophil Oscilloscope Sensing Zone Oscilloscope

10 A White cell passes through WBC aperture
The CBC principle A White cell passes through WBC aperture Neutrophil Oscilloscope Sensing Zone Oscilloscope

11 Passage of a RBC & Plt through aperture
RBCs + - PLT Cross section of RBC aperture (60x50 micron) Oscilloscope screen

12 Passage of a RBC & Plt through aperture
RBCs + - PLT Cross section of RBC aperture (60x50 micron) Oscilloscope screen

13 System without sweep flow
RBCs recirculating + - RBC PLT Oscilloscope screen Sensing Zone

14 System without sweep flow
RBCs recirculating + - RBC PLT Oscilloscope screen Sensing Zone

15 System without sweep flow
RBCs recirculating + - RBC PLT Oscilloscope screen Sensing Zone

16 System without sweep flow
RBCs recirculating + - RBC PLT Oscilloscope screen Sensing Zone

17 System without sweep flow
RBCs recirculating + - RBC PLT Oscilloscope screen Sensing Zone

18 System without sweep flow
RBCs recirculating + - RBC PLT Oscilloscope screen Sensing Zone

19 System without sweep flow
RBCs recirculating + - RBC PLT Oscilloscope screen Sensing Zone

20 System without sweep flow
RBCs recirculating + - RBC PLT Oscilloscope screen Sensing Zone

21 System without sweep flow
RBCs recirculating + - RBC PLT Oscilloscope screen Sensing Zone

22 System without sweep flow
RBCs recirculating + - RBC PLT Oscilloscope screen Sensing Zone

23 System with sweep flow + - RBCs pushed away by diluent RBC PLT
Oscilloscope screen Sensing Zone Diluent stream

24 System with sweep flow + - RBCs pushed away by diluent RBC PLT
Oscilloscope screen Sensing Zone Diluent stream

25 System with sweep flow + - RBCs pushed away by diluent RBC PLT
Oscilloscope screen Sensing Zone Diluent stream

26 System with sweep flow + - RBCs pushed away by diluent RBC PLT
Oscilloscope screen Sensing Zone Diluent stream

27 System with sweep flow + - RBCs pushed away by diluent RBC PLT
Oscilloscope screen Sensing Zone Diluent stream

28 Sweep Flow technology RBCs swept away from sensing zone Diluent stream

29 Pulse editing Cell flows through centre of aperture
Good Pulse Diluent stream

30 Pulse editing Non central cell flow
Pulse to be edited Diluent stream

31 Coincidence Correction
Pulse to be edited Diluent stream

32 Applying Thresholds to separate Plt from RBC
20 fl 2 fl Base line Platelets RBC of various sizes

33 RBC histogram 256 channel high resolution RBC histogram
Main RBC population RBC doublets 256 channel high resolution RBC histogram display cell population data between 24 and 350 fl

34 PLT histogram and curve fitting
A fitted curve accurately reflecting the collected data is displayed between 2 and 35 fl Raw data Fitted Curve displayed up to 35fl PLT histogram is based on 64 channels

35 PLT curve fitting The Platelet count is derived from the number of cells under the fitted curve beyond the 35fl display limit extending up to 70 fl Raw data Fitted Curve extend up to 70 fl to report very large PLT count

36 PLT curve fitting The curve fitting process allows more accurate counts when platelets of larger than 20 fl are present

37 PLT curve fitting The curve fitting process allows more accurate counts when platelets of larger than 20 fl are present PLTs RBCs

38 CBC WBC histogram 256 channel high resolution WBC histogram
Lymphocyte Monocyte Granulocyte 256 channel high resolution WBC histogram display cell population data between 35 and 450 fl

39 Coulter WBC histogram Mono Lymp Neut Baso Eos

40 Hgb Measurement Derivation Signal ADC Processor WBC Bath HGB Lamp
Absorbance= log 10 ( VR / Vs ) Where VR = Reference voltage Vs = Sample voltage HGB Sensor & PRE-AMP Sample

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