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Susan Muenchow, Jennifer Anthony, Karen Manship

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1 Maximizing Existing Funding Sources to Sustain and Enhance Progress on Preschool
Susan Muenchow, Jennifer Anthony, Karen Manship American Institutes for Research Panelists: Jay Hoffman, Superintendent, Nuview Union School District Bill Baltazar, Superintendent, Delhi Unified School District Natalie Woods Andrews, Sacramento County Office of Education Doreen Diehl,  First 5 Sacramento County October 30, 2007

2 Estimated Cost of Preschool for Targeted Populations
To finance direct services for 4-year-olds at NIEER level of quality: $398 million to $581 million in API 1-3 neighborhoods. $833 million to $1.2 billion for children eligible for Free and Reduced-Price Lunch $1 billion to $1.5 billion in Title I school attendance areas

3 21 Potential Finance Options
*For a detailed description, updated assessment of funding, & contact information, visit

4 Statewide Preschool Title I Allocations
Total Title I Allocations, FY2005: $1,755,720,284 Actual Preschool Title I Reservations, FY2005: 1.7%: $29,359,146 If Every School District Reserved 5%: $87,786,014 If Every School District Reserved 10%: $175,572,028

5 Parent fees for preschool
$100 average annual parent fee in low API attendance areas: $8.9 million in API 1-3 $16.7 million for all free/reduced lunch eligible children $1800 annual parent fee for parents over income threshold: Title I schools (estimated 40% parents would pay): $160.1 million Statewide (estimated 47% of parents would pay): $304.3 million

6 Impact of 3 Potential Revenue Sources: Title I School Attendance Areas
Scenario I- Serving all Title I school attendance areas at beginning teacher salaries: Total cost $1.1 billion

7 Impact of 3 Potential Revenue Sources: Free/Reduced-Price Lunch Eligible
Scenario II- Serving all free/reduced-lunch eligible at beginning teacher salaries: Total cost $833 million

8 Impact of 3 Potential Revenue Sources: API 1-3 School Attendance Areas
Scenario III- Serving API 1-3 at beginning teacher salaries: Total cost $398 million

9 Questions? Susan Muenchow –
Jennifer Anthony- Karen Manship-

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