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ECE 875: Electronic Devices

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1 ECE 875: Electronic Devices
Prof. Virginia Ayres Electrical & Computer Engineering Michigan State University

2 Lecture 04, 15 Jan 14 Chp. 01 Crystals: Reciprocal space (k-space)
1st Brillouin zone (Wigner-Seitz) Energy levels: E-k Approximating by a parabola Same: Constant energy surfaces VM Ayres, ECE875, S14

3 P. 11: the general reciprocal lattice vector is defined:
P. 10-plus: for a given set of direct [primitive cell] basis vectors a, b, and c, the set of reciprocal [k-space] lattice vectors a*, b*, c* are defined (3D): P. 11: the general reciprocal lattice vector is defined: G =ha* + kb* + lc* VM Ayres, ECE875, S14

4 R = ma + nb + pc  (mnp) plane in direct space
Therefore: R = ma + nb + pc  (mnp) plane in direct space G = k = ha* + kb* + lc*  (hkl) plane in reciprocal space That is why when you show that G . R = 2 p x integer (Pr. 05a) it is also a relationship with a set of planes in the direct lattice. Helpful (p. 11): This is 2p dij relationship is used as an alternative (better) definition to find the reciprocal basis vectors ..*. Easy to use it to evaluate the reciprocal basis vectors ..*. in 1D or 2D. Harder in 3D, so the answer (preceding side) is given in textbooks for you VM Ayres, ECE875, S14

5 For 1.5(a): VM Ayres, ECE875, S14

6 Used to show that: are equal When e-s described as waves y(r,k)
VM Ayres, ECE875, S14

7 Lecture 04, 15 Jan 14 Chp. 01 Crystals: Reciprocal space (k-space)
1st Brillouin zone (Wigner-Seitz) Energy levels: E-k Approximating by a parabola Same: Constant energy surfaces VM Ayres, ECE875, S14

8 Motivation: Electronics: Transport: e-’s moving in an environment
Correct e- wave function in a crystal environment: Bloch function: Sze: y(r,k) = exp(jk.r)Ub(r,k) = y(r + R,k) Correct E-k energy levels versus direction of the environment: minimum = Egap Correct concentrations of carriers n and p Correct current and current density J: moving carriers I-V measurement J: Vext direction versus internal E-k: Egap direction Fixed e-’s and holes: C-V measurement (KE + PE) y(r,k) = E y(r,k) x Probability f0 that energy level is occupied q n, p velocity Area VM Ayres, ECE875, S14

9 E-k energy band diagrams: very useful. How to derive one:
Step 01: Step 02: minimize the energy E(k) ECE 802: Nanoelectronics VM Ayres, ECE875, S14

10 specifies V(r) for a particular crystal
After someone: specifies y(r,k) specifies V(r) for a particular crystal Gets a general form solution for E as a function of k from Conservation of Energy Adjusts y(r,k) so that the energy E(k) is the minimum energy possible Solves for the specific crystal system E(k) Get: E-k diagram: E k VM Ayres, ECE875, S14

11 Looking at k: E k VM Ayres, ECE875, S14

12 1st Brillouin zone for fcc primitive cell based crystals: Wigner-Seitz cell
VM Ayres, ECE875, S14

13 2D example of how to find a Wigner Seitz cell:
k-space SAED diffraction pattern VM Ayres, ECE875, S14

14 2D example of how to find a Wigner Seitz cell:
Pick center VM Ayres, ECE875, S14

15 2D example of how to find a Wigner Seitz cell:
Nearest neighbors VM Ayres, ECE875, S14

16 2D example of how to find a Wigner Seitz cell:
Perpendicular bisectors (represents a plane) VM Ayres, ECE875, S14

17 2D example of how to find a Wigner Seitz cell:
Next nearest neighbors VM Ayres, ECE875, S14

18 2D example of how to find a Wigner Seitz cell:
Perpendicular bisectors VM Ayres, ECE875, S14

19 2D example of how to find a Wigner Seitz cell:
Wigner Sietz cell is the shaded area (in 2D) Can do this in direct space or reciprocal space VM Ayres, ECE875, S14

20 This Wigner-Sietz cell in reciprocal space is the 1st Brillouin zone for all fcc primitive cell-based crystals: VM Ayres, ECE875, S14

21 Looking at E: Egap: E k VM Ayres, ECE875, S14

22 Plot E(k): shows metallic behavior in certain direction in k-space:
Full expression for E as a function of k can be complicated for Si, etc. 1D polyacetylene: This simple 1D example still has a complicated full expression for E(k): Plot E(k): shows metallic behavior in certain direction in k-space: VM Ayres, ECE875, S14

23 Therefore: Use a parabola to approximate E(k) in the region of lowest EC or highest EV
VM Ayres, ECE875, S14

24 Example: VM Ayres, ECE875, S14

25 Conduction band minimum:
VM Ayres, ECE875, S14

26 How many conduction band minima?
VM Ayres, ECE875, S14

27 Answer:6 conduction band minima
VM Ayres, ECE875, S14

28 Could re-write kx, ky and kz in terms of longitudinal and transverse:
VM Ayres, ECE875, S14

29 Wikipedia: ellipsoid. Set b = c
The parabola approximation and the equivalent constant energy surface ellipsoid (“cigar shaped minima”) description are the same: Parabola: Ellipsoid: Wikipedia: ellipsoid. Set b = c VM Ayres, ECE875, S14

30 b a c = b Google Image Result for http--www_mathworks_com-help-releases-R2013b-matlab-ref-ellipsoid1_gif VM Ayres, ECE875, S14

31 VM Ayres, ECE875, S14

32 Note: these are not the real numbers for Si!
VM Ayres, ECE875, S14

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