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Chapter 7.

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1 Chapter 7

2 EDUCATION *Mainly Private *South & Mid Atlantic - Mainly Religious *New England to New York Aristocratic Secular *MALES ONLY!!!!!

3 Since America needs enlightened citizens, leading D-R feel a system of nationwide public schools are necessary-all males receive free education States not convinced

4 1789 Massachusetts Public Schools open to

5 HIGHER EDUCATION *Colleges - 22 by *Begin to expand curriculum *Law schools begin *U of Penn – Medical school Benjamin Rush

6 Rising American Culture
By turn of the century there is an American culture developing

7 Noah Webster -American Spelling Book -American Dictionary

8 American writers begin to break away from European influences and find a unique style.

9 WRITERS Washington Irving

10 Mercy Otis Warren

11 Parson Mason Weems

12 Joel Barlow Hartford Wits

13 2nd Great Awakening Causes *Deism *Unitarianism *Churches lose power after Revolutionary War

14 *Methodists come to America 1770’s – Francis Asbury
*Baptist Church *Outdoor “Camp Meetings”

15 Big debate – Predestination
Methodists, Baptists and Presbyterians reject it much more American – individual freedom

16 Basic Message *Readmit God into daily life *Embrace Piety *Reject Skeptical Rationalism

17 BIG SUPPORTERS *Woman *Native Americans *Blacks


19 Industrial Revolution begins in England
Machines run by water & wind until steam engine perfected Allows factories to be anywhere

20 1st industry – textiles Technology brought over from England

21 Starts in textile industry
Samuel Slater bring knowledge of British equipment Helps set up first textile mill-hires entire families Rhode Island System

22 Eli Whitney *Cotton Gin *Interchangeable parts

23 How to get the goods to market?
Domestic-turnpike steamship Foreign-merchant marine fleet

24 Thomas Jefferson T Jeffy Jeff Daddy

25 Jefferson personally:
Politician Diplomat Farmer Architect Inventor Philosopher Collected books and dinosaur bones

26 Jefferson politically:
Strict constitutionalist Small government States rights

27 Presidential Actions *Abolishes all internal taxes *Cuts government spending *Reduces debt $83 to $45m *Cuts Army 4000 to *Cuts Navy 25 to 7 ships

28 Chief Justice John Marshall

29 Served on Washington’s staff
Saw how states refused GW’s requests for supplies Feels states too powerful

30 First Great Case of the Supreme Court *Chief Justice John Marshall
*MARBURY v. MADISON Judicial Review

31 T JEFF STRIKES BACK *Gets Congress to try to Impeach Samuel Chase
*Can you be impeached for political reasons?

32 Louisiana Purchase

33 France gets title of Louisiana from Spain in secret treaty
Spain won’t allow US ships to unload in New Orleans

34 *Robert Livingston *Monroe joins him *Goal: buy New Orleans *Get Louisiana - $15 million

35 Jefferson is strict constitutionalist, how can he justify this move?
Good of country will counter ill effects of loose construction

36 Meriwether Lewis and William Clark

37 Aaron Burr

38 *Essex Junto: New England Federalists who feel only way to keep power is to leave Union Need New York – need a New York political power

39 Ask Hamilton, turns the down
Look to Burr Hamilton accuses Burr of treason

40 *duels Hamilton July 11, 1804


42 *Plans with Gov. Wilkinson
*Burr plots with Governor of Louisiana to capture part of Mexico from Spain

43 *arrested for treason *tried in Circuit Court *Justice Marshall *limits evidence *sets strict definition


Federalists: pro-England D-R: pro-France

46 France Continental System can’t stop in England

47 ENGLAND Must stop in England

48 England stopping American ships and taking sailors off
Said they were deserters IMPRESSMENT

49 *Impressment - USS Chesapeake fired on, 4 taken off

50 Prohibits US ships from any foreign ports
EMBARGO ACT –1807 Prohibits US ships from any foreign ports

51 Who does this hurt? Merchant & ship-owners Where are they found? New England

52 In 1808 election Federalists run stronger than usual
Before he leaves Jefferson replace Embargo Act

53 US can trade with anyone except England & France
NON-INTERCOURSE ACT 1809 US can trade with anyone except England & France

54 MACON’S BILL #2 * Trade with everyone *Will stop trade w/violators of neutrality

55 Out West

56 William Henry Harrison

57 Harrison: *born in Virginia *father signed Declaration *Indian Fighter *wants to develop the West *appointed Governor of Indiana Territory

58 Will administer Jefferson’s Indian policy
*convert to settled farmers *head west of Mississippi River

59 Either choice requires the surrender of the land

60 England’s worried about Canada
Might need help in defending against America Who is also worried about Americans?

61 Tecumseh: Chief of the Shawnee
Tenskwatawa: The Prophet


63 Another problem: FLORIDA *haven for runaway slaves *Indian attacks against Georgia and Alabama

64 WAR HAWKS Henry Clay John C. Calhoun

65 WAR of 1812 *June 18, *Forts Dearborn & Detroit *Battle of Lake Erie-Perry *Battle of the Thames *Battle of Horseshoe Bend

66 Andrew Jackson

67 Jackson: *Planter form Tennessee *Attack Creeks at Horseshoe Bend-wins *Captures Pensacola-only problem, not fighting Spain



70 British defeat an American force outside of Washington, the march to the capitol
British set fire to several public buildings including the Executive Mansion


72 *Brits try to capture Baltimore *Fort McHenry *Francis Scott Key

73 BATTLE OF NEW ORLEANS *January 8, 1815 Brits US killed wound capture

74 Battle of New Orleans

75 Treaty of Ghent *December 24, 1814 *Trade Agreement 1815
*Rush-Begot Agreement 1817

76 Hartford Convention *December *New England Federalists *Talk of secession *Talk of nullification *Propose 7 amendments to protect New England

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