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Atascadero Mutual Water Company Lorraine Halderman, GIS Administrator

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1 Atascadero Mutual Water Company Lorraine Halderman, GIS Administrator
Survey123 for NPDES Atascadero Mutual Water Company Lorraine Halderman, GIS Administrator

2 Atascadero Mutual Water Company (AMWC) is a private, mutually-owned water company
One of the largest retail mutual water companies in the state, serving around 30,000 people with 10,000+ service connections The colony of Atascadero includes some areas outside of the city limits. Our service area is represented in blue and the City Limits of Atascadero represented by the dashed line. AMWC was incorporated in 1913 by E.G. Lewis and is the oldest continuous-operating company in the Colony of Atascadero

3 What is NPDES? National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)
“The NPDES permit program addresses water pollution by regulating point sources that discharge pollutants to the waters of the United States. Created in 1972 by the Clean Water Act, the NPDES permit program is authorized by state governments by EPA to perform many permitting, administration, and enforcement aspects of the program.” What is the NPDES? NPDES stands for National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System. The Clean Water Act prohibits anybody from discharging "pollutants" through a "point source" into a "water of the United States" unless they have an NPDES permit. The permit contains limits on what you can discharge, and monitoring & reporting requirements, to ensure public health safety. Source:

4 Regional NPDES Programs
Regional offices work with the states to implement the NPDES program and specific information by State or EPA region is available on the website.

5 Annual Reporting by calendar year
Documentation & reporting requirements The RWQCB requires that we report on March 1st for the previous calendar year. > >The state provides you with a lot of documentation and what the reporting requirements are, but doesn’t really give you any tools to capture this information.

6 Our company’s first approach was a paper form, which had to be filled in manually by field crew, turned in, and then data re-entered into the computer.

7 Make sure field crew had forms in trucks
Challenges Make sure field crew had forms in trucks Fill out manually and then data re-entered into a computer spreadsheet Not intuitive – too many variables No easy way to track if paperwork was being completed and turned in There were many challenges: -Make sure paper forms were in trucks, Field crew were already working in mobile environment -Complete forms manually and data re-entered into computer spreadsheet -Not intuitive - there were too many variables and it was difficult for field personnel to understand what was applicable -There was no easy way to track whether paperwork was being turned in

8 Approach Document criteria that needed to be met. See if current work order management system could meet the demand Research web-based form applications

9 Work on PC , Android, Apple Work in disconnected environment
Criteria Work on PC , Android, Apple Work in disconnected environment Pre-populated Drop-down lists Take photos or attach images User-friendly Have conditional logic Support relational data Because of the conditional and relational aspects, I requested a flow chart from the superintendent so I could better understand the work flow process.

10 Flow charted submitted by Superintendent
Despite this, it really helped me make sense of the process and was very useful to me when I was building the survey in 123.

11 B1. Conveyance System Entry Monitoring Observations
General Info Planned Emergency A. Beneficial Capture B. Implement BMP’s Simplified version of the Flow Chart & Work Flow Process This is where the power of Survey123 really comes in The survey application is designed so it guides the user through the necessary steps, purely based on the responses that are given and, only the necessary fields are displayed, based on those responses! It also handles a 1-M relationship. For instance, there could be more than one Conveyance System Entry point which would require a form for each entry. B1. Conveyance System Entry B2. Monitoring Observations

12 Design Collect Analyze Survey123
It’s called Survey123 because of its simple 3-step process: Design, Collect, Analyze. -Survey123Connect application for desktop is where surveys are designed, using an xls sheet, and then published to ArcGIS Online -Survey123 is the application used to collect the information, once the survey has been downloaded -From there the data can be viewed and analyzed on the Survey123 Dashboard or ArcGIS online >>

13 Survey123 Dashboard Access Your Data View Survey
Interact with data in map and table view Analyze data Export in various formats Collaborate with others Print PDF Forms

14 ArcGIS Online Access Your Data
A separate folder is created for each survey Located in My Content Open in Map Viewer Interact with map & table view Edit data Various export options (csv, shapefile, gdb)

15 NPDES Reporting Reporting Volume discharged to Waters of the U.S.
Volume collected for beneficial Use Number of direct discharges to the Waters of the U.S. over 50,000 gallons Number of non-compliant Discharges

16 Demo

17 Resources

18 Questions?

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