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True Stewardship Ryan Butts, vice president for institutional advancement university of saint mary of the lake/Mundelein Seminary.

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Presentation on theme: "True Stewardship Ryan Butts, vice president for institutional advancement university of saint mary of the lake/Mundelein Seminary."— Presentation transcript:

1 True Stewardship Ryan Butts, vice president for institutional advancement university of saint mary of the lake/Mundelein Seminary

2 Redefine Stewardship One idea pops into their heads…

3 Stewardship ≠ Capital Campaign

4 The lord’s realm Ownership vs. Management

5 God is Lord “The earth and all its fullness belong to the Lord: the whole world and all that dwells in it.” - Psalm 24:1

6 Ownership vs. management
“Stewardship calls people to recognize possessions as gifts of god’s love.” – Archbishop Thomas Murphy, Theology on Stewardship, 1989

7 Four areas of stewardship
1. What we use 2. Our time 3. Our health 4. Our money

8 Stewardship of what we use.
Kansas 4-H Sustainability “…a throwaway culture which affects the excluded just as it quickly reduces things to rubbish.” Laudato Si, Pope Francis

9 Stewardship of our time.
Margin Productivity Life without margin - Extra hours – law of diminishing returns - Sleep, exercise, nutrients - Emotional exhaustion - Personal connections – “a rock” - Our personal brand/legacy

10 Stewardship of our health.
There’s no such thing as multitasking A recent study at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) found that students were 40% slower solving complicated problems when they tried jumping between tasks. “Of course, multitasking doesn’t feel slow. It actually feels fast, like we’re flying. That’s part of the reason we keep doing it, but the feeling of speed is deceptive. There’s a big difference between being busy and being productive. Research shows that multitaskers indeed work faster – while producing less.” - Blogger and speaker Michael Hyatt Clay Shirky, professor teaching social media at New York University (NYU), has started requesting that students put away their computers in class because they are spending time ‘multitasking.’ “Multitasking provides emotional gratification because it moves the pleasure of procrastination inside the period of work.” We feel like we’re getting things done when we’re really dragging them out. Boost your energy Diet and nutrition Exercise Sleep Rest

11 There is no such thing as multitasking.

12 Stewardship of our money.
2,350 times in the Bible Tithing and Philanthropy “What do I own and what owns me?” - Archbishop Thomas Murphy, 1994

13 Fundraising “Substance obtained in haste will be diminished. But what is collected by hand, little by little, shall be multiplied.” - Proverbs 13:11

14 From the donor’s point of view:
A Spirituality of Fundraising, by Henri J.M. Nouwen “Fundraising is proclaiming what we believe in such a way that we offer other people an opportunity to participate with us in our vision and mission. Fundraising is precisely the opposite of begging”

15 The Art of Asking by Serving

16 Selling Henry Ford – “Nothing happens until someone sells something.”
Zig Ziglar – “Sales is nothing more than a transference of feeling. If you can make the customer feel the way you do about your product, then your customer will buy your product.”

17 Donors give to the magic of an idea
People don’t give because we have needs. People give because we have solutions.

18 The Ask Do it on purpose

19 Some aim at nothing and hit it with remarkable precision.

20 The Steps Qualification Rapport Education/Information Close

21 Qualified prospects: You know enough about them that you know that they can help you with exactly what you need from them.

22 Building rapport You are present You are authentic You have integrity

23 Education/Information
You know enough about what you want to do and what it will take to get there to talk about it in an intelligent and intentional way.

24 The Close “You won’t get milk from a cow by sending a letter…”
The Ratio of 2:1 “I would like you to consider…”

25 Writing thank you notes

26 Conclusion I love what we do and I love those who love what we do. But I especially love seeing them both united behind the magic of an idea. Connecting the two removes the craziness that tends to make it transactional, rather than relational. We serve, we don’t sell, but in order to serve well we have to be intelligent and intentional about the process that humans go through in order to make a donation. Approach the process with the good of the other person in mind. When you use that approach you will serve others and will get supporters for life.

27 “Piety with sufficiency is great gain.”
1 Timothy 6:6

28 True Stewardship Ryan Butts, Vice president for institutional advancement university of saint mary of the lake/Mundelein Seminary

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