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QUADRATICS: finding vertex

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1 QUADRATICS: finding vertex

“MAXIMUM” “MINIMUM” TURNING POINT” *Sometimes the problem may ask for the axis of symmetry. How does this connect with the vertex?

3 EXAMPLE 1.1- Using formula
Suppose a company has daily production costs that are modeled by the function C(x) = x x2 where C is the total cost in dollars and x is the number of units produced. What is the minimum production cost?

4 EXAMPLE 1.1- Using calculator table
FIRST – type equation in “Y=“ Then – go to “2ND” “TABLE” And page down to see the turning point. (20 unit, $700) Suppose a company has daily production costs that are modeled by the function C(x) = x x2 where C is the total cost in dollars and x is the number of units produced. What is the minimum production cost?

5 EXAMPLE 1.1- Using calculator trace
Arrow left & “enter” Arrow right & “enter” “Enter” once more when it says ‘guess?’ Minimum FIRST – type equation in “Y=“ Then – “2nd” “Trace” next – choose #3 “minimum” “ENTER” (you will need to adjust the window)

6 OTHER THINGS TO NOTE underline the variables. READ the question. Identify the variable being asked for. Suppose a company has daily production costs that are modeled by the function C(x) = x x2 where C is the total cost in dollars and x is the number of units produced. What is the minimum production cost?

7 CHECK IT: Q#1.2 The amount of profit a company makes if they spend x dollars on advertising is modeled by the function P(x) = -5x x + 1,200. How much should the company spend on advertising to maximize profit?

8 CHECK IT Q1.3 A ball is thrown into the air with a speed of 32 feet per second. The function h = 32t – 16t2 models the height of the ball after t seconds. What is the maximum height of the ball?

9 CHECK It q1.4 Suppose the equation h(t) = -t2 + 5t + 14 models the height of a ball thrown into the air off the top of the bleachers. How many seconds does it take for the ball to reach its maximum height?

10 Check it Q1.5 Penny creates produces Penny Blossoms in her apartment. The quadratic function, p(n) = -2n2 + 24n – 25, can be used to determine her weekly profit where n is the number of Penny Blossoms made. At what number of Penny Blossoms does the profit begin to decrease?

11 Check it q1.6 What is the axis of symmetry for the function f(x) = 4x2 + 2x + 1?

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