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Homelessness in Rural Missouri.

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Presentation on theme: "Homelessness in Rural Missouri."— Presentation transcript:

1 Homelessness in Rural Missouri

2 Missouri Homeless Sheltered Homeless 1056 Sheltered Households 732 Unsheltered Homeless 374 Unsheltered Households 265 Total Homeless 1430 Total Homeless Households 997 Ages: % % % Doubled-Up % % %

3 Homeless youth in missouri
Unaccompanied Youth 84 sheltered 22 unsheltered 27% of doubled-up population are unaccompanied youth 19% of youth households are parenting at least one child

4 Region 10 homeless stats Bates County Benton County Cass County
Henry County Johnson County Lafayette County Pettis County Saline County St. Clair County

5 Homelessness in Region 10
Sheltered Homeless 71 Sheltered Households 47 Sheltered Unaccompanied Youth 24% Unsheltered Homeless 35 Unsheltered Households 28 Unaccompanied Youth 43% Total Doubled-Up 223 >18 41% % Unaccompanied Youth 27%

6 Region 10 Barriers to permanent housing
Unemployment/Underemployment Mental health, physical health, and substance abuse Domestic violence Transportation Lack of support network Lack of documentation: Birth Certificates, SS Cards, Marriage License, Photo ID Availability of safe, decent, and sanitary housing Availability of public assistance Overcrowded housing Family displacement

7 What we do Meet with and LISTEN to our clients - What are their needs – how can we HELP? Do they have a support network – where? Do they need housing, transportation, or something else? Work with our clients to determine a path to stability

8 Relationship building
Landlord Relationships – Develop relationships with landlords who are willing to work with homeless youth Helps us quickly identify suitable units Landlords stay in touch with our Case managers School Social Workers – Develop relationships with school social workers Family – Reach out to family members, as requested, to help “bridge the gap” Partner Agencies – Work with other agencies to assist with household items, utility assistance, public resources (SNAPS), child support, etc. All of these relationships are absolutely essential to helping our clients gain independence

9 Housing options for youth
Work to qualify youth for housing programs: Short , medium or long-term housing support based on their needs – not what we think is best Work with our clients to create a “Housing Stability Plan” Work with our clients to establish and meet goals each month – resulting in permanent housing stability

10 Success stories Housing our youth Community Partnerships Coordinated Entry/Assessment – Housing Hotline! Community Closet Job Board Landlord Relationships School Social Work Relationships

11 challenges Suitable and affordable housing in rural communities Transportation challenges Distance between services, schools, daycare, employment, etc. Employment opportunities More Landlords with affordable units who are willing to work with our youth!

12 Contact information Pettis County Community Partnership Roxanna Parker, Program Director Amanda Davis, Program Manager Darla Weatherholt, Housing Case Manager 1400 S. Limit, Ste. 29 Sedalia, MO

13 Region 10 housing hotline
Coordinated Entry/Assessment Specialist Sarah Niederwimmer 1400 S. Limit, Ste. 29 Sedalia, MO

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