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Please check, just in case…

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1 Please check, just in case…

2 APA Tip of the Day Julia’s Basic APA Checklist - formatting

3 Tricks for use MS Word “View” + Ruler (for indentation)
“Home” + “Paragraph” icons (justification, line spacing, etc.) Page Layout: line breaks, indentation, spacing, margins, oh my!

4 Quick questions or quandaries?

5 Small Group Discussion (from Harry readings)
Share your thoughts on the following question, one person at a time, each one talking for a maximum of 3 minutes. Follow each person’s talking time with a 30 second SILENT reflection. Use the hour glasses provided. Please take notes and concentrate on listening for understanding: What are some common assumptions about culturally and linguistically diverse (CLD) students and families in your school, workplace, or community? How are these revealed? What would be useful ways to get more accurate information about a child’s or family’s behavior?

6 Quick Write: Consider the previous discussion. What can YOU do differently to foster more respectful relationships with CLD students and their families? Note: this is about changing YOUR behavior, not how to change that of others at your school.

7 Small Group Discussion (from Harry and Pang readings)
Before you get into small groups, first spend 10 minutes silently preparing for the discussion. Look through your readings, take notes, collect your thoughts. Share your thoughts on the questions on the following slide, one person at a time, each one talking for a maximum of 3 minutes. Follow each person’s talking time with a 30 second SILENT reflection. Please take notes and concentrate on listening for understanding. Use the hour glasses provided to time youselves.

8 Small Group Discussion (from Harry and Pang readings)
What are some common assumptions about culturally and linguistically diverse (CLD) students and families in your school, workplace, or community? How are these revealed? How could you get more accurate information about a child’s or family’s behavior?

9 Quick Write: Consider the previous discussion. What can YOU do differently to foster more respectful relationships with CLD students and their families? Note: This is about changing YOUR behavior, not how to change that of others at your school.

10 Stubbs (2002) Linguistic stereotypes:
Differences between spoken and written language Differences in pronunciation Differences in grammatical construction Linguistic stereotypes lead to social stereotypes: “weight people often attach to superficial features of language” (p. 67)

11 Stubbs (2002), cont. The primitive language myth:
Some language varieties are more primitive than others. Some language varieties are more “impoverished” than others “Standard” vs. “nonstandard” varieties: Why is one variety considered the “standard”? Prescriptive vs. descriptive perspectives. Standard vs. prestige variety Is there only one non-prestige variety of English? Which variety are more stigmatized than others?

12 Stubbs (2002), cont. Language varieties:
There are no single style speakers There is no one “best” English for all situations/contexts Correct vs appropriate Production vs. competence (what do children understand vs., what do they use?) What does this mean for teaching?

13 Looking ahead… Read: Deyhle (1992) AND
Trafzer, Keller, & Sisquoc (2006) OR Dixon & Trafzer (2006) – JIGSAW THESE

14 Stubbs (2002) Linguistic stereotypes:
Differences between spoken and written language Differences in pronunciation Differences in grammatical construction Linguistic stereotypes lead to social stereotypes “weight people often attach to superficial features of language” (p. 67)

15 Stubbs (2002), cont. The primitive language myth:
Some language varieties are more primitive than others. Some language varieties are more “impoverished” than others “Standard” vs. “nonstandard” dialects (“varieties) Why is one variety considered the “standard”? Prescriptive vs. descriptive perspectives. Standard vs. prestige variety Is there only one non-prestige variety of English? Which variety are more stigmatized than others?

16 Stubbs (2002), cont. Language varieties:
There are no single style speakers There is no one “best” English for all situations/contexts Correct vs appropriate Production vs. competence (what do children understand vs., what do they use?) What does this mean for teaching?

17 Looking ahead… Read: Deyhle (1992) AND
Trafzer, Keller, & Sisquoc (2006) OR Dixon & Trafzer (2006) – JIGSAW THESE

18 Please take a minute for the minute paper.
And don’t forget to turn your phone back on.

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