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Grace Bible Church Glorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

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1 Grace Bible Church Glorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

2 Introduction to Colossians Colossians 1:1-2
Colossians is packed with a lot of theological truths and practical applications in living for Christ

3 Paul an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God
The author identifies himself as Paul; The historical witness is this is Paul; Its content matches Paul He was Saul, a persecutor of the church (Acts 7,8), until he was converted on the road to Damascus (Acts 9)

4 Paul Saul’s conversion is miraculous - Acts 26:14-18. Jesus commissions Him to preach the gospel & does so (Gal. 1:11-12) Jesus personally made him an apostle and His life demonstrated it (1 Cor. 9:1-2; 2 Cor )

5 Timothy our brother Timothy is Paul’s co-laborer. He is referred to eleven times in Colossians (1:1, 4, 8, 9, 14, 28; 4:3) Paul also refers to Timothy in Romans, 1 & 2 Cor. Phil., 1 & 2 Thess. & Philemon Paul has great respect for Timothy who was much younger and even called his “son” three times

6 Timothy He was converted by his mother’s teaching and was commended by those in Lystra /Derbe (Acts 16) Timothy travels with Paul on the 2nd & 3rd missionary journeys (Acts 16-20) Timothy was a great asset to Paul, often being sent as his representative (1 Cor. 4:17; 1 Tim. 1:3, etc.)

7 Timothy Timothy overcame his weaknesses and became a blessing to many churches and people God can use anyone willing to follow the truth and serve Him

8 The Saints at Colossae to those in Colossae, Saints and faithful brethren in Christ
Colossae was located on the river Lycos in the Phyrigian region of the province of Asia in Asia Minor

9 Points – Random bars horizontal
Colossae Points – Random bars horizontal + Colossae

10 The Saints at Colossae Its population was a mixture of native Phrygian people, Greek settlers and Jews that had been resettled The church was started by Epaphras who probably learned from Paul when he was in Ephesus (Acts 19) The church was a mixture of Jewish and Gentile converts with little or no ethnic tension between them.

11 The Saints at Colossae The Roman Catholic / Eastern Orthodox practice making certain people special “saints” is heretical Saints are all holy people who follow the Lord - everyone redeemed by Jesus from their sins. Only those that are believing, steadfast fellow children of God in Christ are true saints

12 Paul’s Greeting Grace to you and peace from God our Father
Paul’s common salutation of blessing – This grace & peace can only come from God our Father We are saved by grace (Eph. 2:8), are to stand firm in it (1 Pet. 5:12) and extend it to others (Eph. 4:29) We have God’s peace (Rom. 5:1), become peacemakers (Matt. 5:9) reconciling others to God (2 Cor. 5:20)

13 The Theme of Colossians
Paul was concerned about the church in Colossae and had Tychicus carry an additional letter to them. Paul’s goal, as stated in 1:28, was to “present every man complete in Christ.” Paul had to correct a form of Jewish legalism and asceticism - 2:11; 16 & 21

14 The Theme of Colossians
Paul had to correct an early form of Gnosticism that was rising out of Greek philosophy - 1:22; 2:9-15 Paul corrected these heretical beliefs by showing the superiority of Jesus over every human system Paul corrected their practices by calling believers to live according to their calling

15 Outline of Colossians I. Preeminence of Christ (Ch. 1 & 2)
A. Introduction (1:1-14) Greeting (1:1-2) Thanksgiving (1:3-8) Prayer (1:9-14)

16 Outline of Colossians I. Preeminence of Christ (Ch. 1 & 2)
B. The Preeminence of Christ (1:15-2:3) In Creation (1:15-17) In the Church (1:18) In Redemption (1:19-23) In His minister - Paul (1:24-2:7)

17 Outline of Colossians I. Preeminence of Christ (Ch. 1 & 2)
C. The Power of Christ (2:8-23) Over Philosophy (2:8-10) In Redemption (2:11-15) Over Legalism (2:16-17) Over Mysticism (2:18-19) Over Asceticism (2:20-23)

18 Outline of Colossians II. Position & Practice of the Believer (Ch
A. Position of the Believer (3:1-4)

19 Outline of Colossians B. Practice of the Believer (3:5-4:6
Putting off Vices (3:5-11) Putting on Virtues (3:12-17) Personal Relationships (3:18- 4:1) Family (3:18-21) Slaves & Masters (3:11-4:1) Prayer (4:2-4) Public Conduct (4:5-6)

20 Outline of Colossians C. Personal Notes (4:7-18) Paul’s Messengers (4:7-9) Paul’s Co-workers (4:10-14) Paul’s Instructions (4:15-18)

21 Conclusions Our study will exalt the Lord over every human religions and philosophical system We learn and exhort one another to live as mature believers complete in Christ.

22 Conclusions We can follow the example of Paul & Timothy to be blessings to others as God uses us for His glory

23 Grace Bible Church Glorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

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