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Welcome to 2 Sisters Food Group

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to 2 Sisters Food Group"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to 2 Sisters Food Group
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2 HR induction Our goals & behaviours People strategy Witham Way
‘Stronger together’ Your job Who’s who Probationary period Internal promotion Shift pattern Breaks Swipe card Locker Searches Policies & Procedures What to do if you are sick What to do if you are late Holiday ‘Speak Up’ Grievance Disciplinary Equal Opportunities Drugs and Alcohol Misconduct list Pay & benefits Pay Understanding your payslip Benefits Personal Group Canteen Transport

3 Our goals & behaviours

4 Stronger Together Campaign
“2 Sisters Food Group is committed to developing and adopting a pro-active approach to tackling hidden labour exploitation” What is Worker Exploitation? Human Trafficking – the movement or recruitment of a person(s) by means of threat, force or coercion for the purpose of exploitation Forced Labour – where a person is made to work against their will, under the fear of a penalty Rogue Landlords – the owner of the house where people, in overcrowded and unsafe properties live. The occupants are normally threatened with eviction or other forms of intimidation Work-Finding Fee’s – In the UK, it is unlawful for workers to have to pay to get a job Don’t let this happen at your site, follow our recipe for success : Have you witnessed any threats or actual physical, violent or sexually abusive behaviour towards a co-worker? Have any of your co-workers shared information with you about them being in debt to anyone while on a lunch or cigarette break? Have you witnessed large groups of people being forced into a car or mini-bus before / after work? Has a co-worker told you that their passport or bank account has been taken off them? Have you seen anyone asking a particular co-worker for money due to wages being withheld? Have you seen anyone distributing food to groups of co-workers that have no money to buy food and drink for themselves? If you have witnessed any of these activities, you must report it to the HR Department immediately, you maybe helping more people than you know.

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