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Combining Technology Resources in Student Affairs

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Presentation on theme: "Combining Technology Resources in Student Affairs"— Presentation transcript:

1 Combining Technology Resources in Student Affairs
Adam gross Director of admissions Jessica Strunk Registrar and director of express enrollment

2 Learning Outcomes What technology resources Ivy Tech – Bloomington utilizes Why those technology resources are important How you can go back and utilize your existing technology resources for your campus needs

3 Ivy Tech Community College of Indiana is the largest statewide singly accredited community college in the nation. There are 23 campuses and 14 regions that serve 150,000 students a year. It is the largest public post-secondary institution in Indiana. Tuition is $ a credit hour and we are an open access institution.

4 Ivy Tech Community College - Bloomington
The Bloomington campus exceeds an enrollment of 6,000 students and was named by Community College Week as the third-fastest growing community college in the nation for its size in 2007 (Borden, 2007). The Bloomington campus offers more than 400 credit hours that transfer to Indiana University for students who choose to pursue a bachelor's degree, as well as courses and associate degrees that transfer to other four-year institutions.

5 What Technology Resources Does Ivy Tech Utilize?
CRm Ivy Appointment - Appointment System Ivy Advising (Starfish) Microsoft Outlook NewT Data warehouse

6 CRM Management system used by recruiters Tracks inquiries and conversion Used to maintain contact and market events Tracks admissions steps and follow-up Provides customizable dashboard

7 Ivy Appointment – Appointment System
Appointment system for select areas on campus Sign in system for advising, express enrollment center, admissions, financial aid, career services Tailored our One Stop (Express Enrollment Center) model to utilize software

8 Ivy Advising - Starfish
Advisor case management system Faculty raise flags for at risk students Appointment system for advisors Reporting components

9 Microsoft Outlook Calendar Same day appointment scheduling – advisors International student appointment scheduling

10 NewT Centralized Data warehouse Collects and retrieves information statewide Improved reporting with pentaho

11 How does Ivy Tech use all those technology resources?
Prospective and current student outreach Course management Advising caseload management At risk student outreach

12 What’s Next for Ivy Tech?
What did we do well? Where are opportunities to grow? What do we need to do differently? Are students happy?

13 Questions? Thank you! Adam gross and Jessica Strunk
Ivy Tech Community College - Bloomington

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