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कनिष्ठा-1 (Starter 1) – Hindi USA

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1 कनिष्ठा-1 (Starter 1) – Hindi USA
नमस्कार Welcome to HindiUSA S-1 Teachers Training for the School Year 2016 – 2017 Sep 15th 2016

2 कनिष्ठा-1 Level Coordinator
Naina Raina Text Message/ WhatsApp/ Please include your name and your school name. Copy your school coordinator(s) when sending us an .

3 S1 Requirement / Goals Students must be 5 yrs. old or enrolled in a Kindergarten Introduction to Hindi Language Focus on oral, visual, and musical criteria only (no reading or writing) To familiarize students with Indian culture To make Hindi learning fun and interesting

4 Study Materials and Books
Note: Please ask parents to label all material

5 Teaching Material Teaching Box – Colorful construction paper, glue stick, glue, colorful plastic balls, jumping rope, scissor Story Books – Set of (3) colorful story books

6 S1 Syllabus What do we teach: Greetings in Hindi – Namaste / Namaskar
Numbers - Ek Do Teen Animals / Birds - Ek Do Teen / Chhutti ka Din / Rang Birangi Duniya Colors - Rang Birangi Duniya / Aao Rang Bharen Body parts - Chalo Chalo Music CD / Doll

7 S1 Syllabus…Cont…. Everyday and Household Objects - Chhutti ka Din
Bhartiya Festivals / Culture (Diwali, Dushahara, Holi, Raksha Bandhan, and Independence day). Common and simple conversation words / Simple Commands ताली बजाना, गोला बनाना, लाईन बनाना, रुकना, भागना, हँसना, रोना, दौड़ना, बैठना, खड़े होना, कूदना, पकड़ना, काटना, चिपकाना, मोड़ना, रंग भरना, दिखाना, रखना, उठाना, खाना, पीना, आदि

8 S1- Method - How do we teach
“Sudaama Bola” Show and Tell Puppet Show Rhymes and Games Competition Conversation Arts and crafts Poems, songs, and stories

9 NOTE: To change images on this slide, select a picture and delete it. Then click the Insert Picture icon in the placeholder to insert your own image. Gandhi Jayanti

10 NOTE: To change images on this slide, select a picture and delete it. Then click the Insert Picture icon in the placeholder to insert your own image.


12 Guidelines for Teachers
Provide contact information to school coordinators and parents Keep updated information regarding the children in class Send to parents after every class about Classwork & Homework Arrive in class 15 minutes prior and stay till all kids are handed over to their parents Create and review lesson plans prior to class. Be prepared in advance Maintain discipline and order in the classroom Keep marks of attendance, homework, class work, and tests Conduct parent teacher conferences atleast twice a year or 1 on 1 as an when needed Attend teacher conference calls and trainings Please inform your school coordinators in advance if you are not able to go to class

13 कनिष्ठा-1 वार्षिक मौखिक परीक्षा Starter 1 Level Oral Exam Sheet
कक्षा में उपस्थिति (लगभग 30 सप्ताह) -15 अंक दो से लेकर चार लाईन की कविता याद करना तथा सुनाना (2) - 10 अंक सांस्कृतिक कार्यक्रमों में भागीदारी अंक चित्र देखकर उनके हिंदी नाम बताना (पाठ्यपुस्तक के कोई 10) - 10 अंक कक्षा में भागीदारी तथा हिंदी सीखने में रुचि - 15 अंक हिंदी की गिनती तथा रंगों के नाम चित्र देखकर बताना अंक आदेशों को हिंदी में समझना तथा मानना - 10 अंक सामान्य प्रश्नों के उत्तर एक शब्द में देना - 10 अंक हिंदी बोलने का प्रयास करना, एक शब्द में उत्तर देना - 10 अंक Extra Credit - अपनी प्रिय वस्तु का विवरण कम-से-कम 5 हिंदी वाक्यों में देना - 10 अंक कुल अंक ( )

14 Extracurricular Activities
कविता पाठ प्रतियोगिता (Hindi Poem Competition - 3 levels) First round is at school level (January-February) Semi Final (February-March) Final round during Mahotsav (May) हिंदी महोत्सव (Annual Hindi Mahotsav) One entry from each class from each school Can consolidate classes कर्मभूमि पुस्तिका (Annual Hindi Magazine) Can submit your own writings Can submit children’s drawings, pictures of class projects, etc. Parents can contribute दीपावली / दशहरा / अन्य त्यौहार

15 Enjoy The School Year ! Questions Concerns Ideas Brainstorming

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