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ETCS Train Radio Is (Not?) Reliable Enough

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1 ETCS Train Radio Is (Not?) Reliable Enough
David N. Jansen Softwaremodellierung und -verifikation, RWTH Aachen and others

2 Coauthors conf. Quantitative Evaluation of Systems
Holger Hermanns Workshop on Software and Performance Yaroslav Usenko Verkehrswissenschaftliches Institut Jürgen Jacobs Sebastian Klabes Nils Nießen

3 Why Train Radio? European Train Control System
a new standard for securing trains GSM-R radio communication between train and radio block centre T

4 ETCS Radio Reliability
Q: Can ETCS radio handle trains? fast (250 km/h) in dense traffic (headway ≈ 1 min) with high reliability (99.95 %)

5 ETCS Radio Reliability
Q: Can ETCS radio handle trains? fast (250 km/h) in dense traffic (headway ≈ 1 min) with high reliability (99.95 %) A: Yes!

6 ETCS Radio Reliability
Q: Can ETCS radio handle trains? fast (250 km/h) in dense traffic (headway ≈ 1 min) with high reliability (99.95 %) A: Yes, but...

7 Overview Train protection and ETCS First ETCS analysis: Yes...
New additions: ...but

8 Securing Trains: Principles
Block exclusive access for a single train train is not allowed to leave its block(s) Movement authority allowance to enter a block Integrity check make sure the complete train leaves a block block block

9 Securing Trains: Practice
signals communicate movement authorities some protection against human error transmit passage of danger points electronically different national systems integrity check at block boundaries

10 Goals of ETCS interoperability

11 Goals of ETCS interoperability

12 Goals of ETCS interoperability

13 Goals of ETCS interoperability
transmit more information electronically / via GSM-R cab signalling moving block operation

14 Moving Block Operation
block boundaries can be everywhere enabled by on-board integrity check each part of the block is released immediately after the train has passed... ...and can be reserved for another train without delay shorter headway  better track utilisation block block IC

15 Moving Block Operation
block boundaries can be everywhere enabled by on-board integrity check each part of the block is released immediately after the train has passed... ...and can be reserved for another train without delay shorter headway  better track utilisation block block IC IC

16 Moving Block Operation
block boundaries can be everywhere enabled by on-board integrity check each part of the block is released immediately after the train has passed... ...and can be reserved for another train without delay shorter headway  better track utilisation block block IC IC




20 Weaknesses Found recent discussion with the Verkehrswissenschaftliches Institut der RWTH Aachen typical capacity bottleneck: braking phase some assumptions unrealistic

21 Current Work track model trip includes acceleration and braking 250 km
station A station B

22 Tool Chain MoToR: developed at Univ. Twente
MoDeST model MoToR: developed at Univ. Twente Möbius: developed at Univ. Illinois UC Möbius (simulator) MoToR (translator) performance estimates

23 Headway Distribution

24 Conclusion + Next Steps
Braking phase adds 8–10 sec to headway still small probability of delay compare with VIA simulator longer simulations

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