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CAP & GOWN Project’s European Tour

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Presentation on theme: "CAP & GOWN Project’s European Tour"— Presentation transcript:

1 CAP & GOWN Project’s European Tour
8 AP history students (5 from Johnson and 3 from New Century) raised $3,500 5 teachers (3 from Johnson and Two From New Century) raised $10,000 Over 85 private donors who contributed over $25,000

2 Why Tour London and Paris?
Our students toured University of Oxford, second oldest university in the world History “came alive” for our students at Westminster Abbey, Shakespeare’s Globe, Versailles, and the French National Assembly Our students are “worthy of the world”

3 Highlights: Oxford Tour

4 Highlights: Oxford Tour

5 Highlights: Westminster Abbey and Notre Dame

6 Highlights: Versailles

7 Highlights: Louvre and Musee d’Orsay

8 Highlight: Spring Restaurant

9 Thank You Huntsville for Making This Possible!

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