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Reality TV & Product placement

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Presentation on theme: "Reality TV & Product placement"— Presentation transcript:

1 Reality TV & Product placement
For a couple of weeks you are going to do different things related to Reality TV and Product placement. Your are to discuss different questions in smaller groups read some texts and do a reading comprehension write a Letter to the Editor watch a movie write a review work with peer response

2 Time plan W 4 Introduction and start of Reality TV
W 5 Writing a Letter to the Editor Intro Product Placement W 6 Monday – watching a movie Friday – writing a review

3 Two examples of reality TV
Watch a part of Biggest loser Watch a part of Britain’s got talent


5 Vocabulary Mock Cruel Uneasy Dignity Vulnerable Preferably
Devil’s advocate Compensate Håna Grym/elak Obehaglig, ängslig Värdighet Sårbar, känslig Allra helst Djävulens advokat Kompensera

6 More vocabulary Humiliation To sacrifice To amuse Enterprise
Informed consent Horrendous ”the cringe factor” Exhibitionist Förödmjukelse Att offra Att roa Företag Informerat medgivande/samtycke Förfärlig Ung. det som får en att rysa Exhibitionist

7 Is reality TV harmful? Ethics guy

8 What to do In smaller groups discuss the questions you will find further on Hand in the minutes from your group to me! But first some strategies to keep a conversation going:

9 Strategies on How to keep a conversation going
Stating your opinion: I think that… I believe… My opinion is that… Asking about someone else’s opinion: What do you think? What is your opinion?

10 How to keep a conversation going
Yes, I agree with you because… No, I think you are wrong because… Well, I think that… But, in my opinion… On the other hand… According to… And finally: play the devil’s advocate

11 And… You are a team so support your friends By asking questions Nod
Keep eye contact Listen to what they have to say! Help each other with pronunciations! Also with explanations and translations!

12 support Here is a good website if you need some help with the pronunciation: and some help with translations you will find here: or Important information before you start: Reality TV documents unscripted real-life situations, and often features an otherwise unknown cast. It differs from documentary TV  in that the focus tends to be on drama and personal conflict, rather than simply educating viewers. Reality TV programs also often bring participants into situations and environments that they would otherwise never be a part of (Wikipedia)

13 Questions to Discuss 1. Which reality TV shows do you watch? (It could be both Swedish reality shows and foreign, for example Idol, Bonde söker fru, Big Brother, The Bachelor, Desperate Housewives of …) 2. Whether you like or dislike reality TV, explain why! 3. Are there “good” and “bad” reality TV, are some reality TV shows more morally right or wrong than others? Why? 4. Do producers and TV companies exploit the participants, or is it “their own fault” that their reputation may become tarnished and that their feelings may become hurt, since participants enter the shows willingly? 5. Is reality TV harmful to participants and/or viewers? 6. Is reality TV real?

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