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Data Collection Methods for Problem Statement

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1 Data Collection Methods for Problem Statement
LaMarcus Anderson July 3, 2017

2 The criteria used in determining the proposed research method
The proposed research method was chosen on the basis of reliability and validity of the method The selection was also based on the method which would best establish the effects of addiction on precise measurements and controlled environment The assessment scale to be employed in measuring the differences in the participants’ outcome also determined the method to be used The ability of the research method to combine two research design was also a selection criterion The criteria used in determining the proposed research method was based on the basis of reliability and validity of the method in establishing the effects of addiction on health (Kumar, 2014). The method selected ensured that separate studies would arrive at similar conclusions when employing a similar method. The proposed method also ensured that the instrument of measuring the effects of addiction on health had the capability to do so. The selection of the method was also based on the method which establishes the impact of addiction while providing the maximum external validity. The assessment scale was also a criterion in choosing the research method whereby the selected method had to align with the scale employed in determining the effects of addiction and how they could be minimized. The research method was also chosen on the basis of whether it facilitates employing two research design whereby one would back up the other gathering more statistical data.

3 The criteria for using qualitative or quantitative designs
The criteria for selecting the design was also based on capability of the design to develop a clear understanding on preventing the addiction impact on health The secondary data analysis, surveys, and statistical analysis of the study was employed to determine the design that would best suit them The ability of the design to confirm the existing data was also a criterion for choosing the qualitative or quantitative design. The ability of the design to effectively measure the trends of the effects of addiction was also a major criterion in choosing the design The selection criteria of the qualitative or qualitative design were based on the capability of the design to provide information which will best relate the healthcare of addicts with the effects of addiction whereby a qualitative design favored the establishment of a deeper understanding on the issue. The statistical analysis, surveys, and the analysis of secondary data also determined the design to be used whereby qualitative design was considered in analyzing the effects and minimization of the impact of addiction on health care (Creswell, 2013). Since the studies were confirming how addiction affects the health of substance addicts, a qualitative method was favored for confirmatory of the existing data. The design selected also had to effectively measure the current trends on how addiction affects health and how minimizing the effects would improve the health care of the addicted population. Since some measures were impossible using qualitative design, the quantitative design would be employed.

4 The criteria used to determine the description of the rationale used to select your target population Target population was selected on the basis of ensuring that it secured the needed data on health effects of addiction and minimizing them Target population was also selected on purposeful sampling strategies in qualitative studies in order to focus on a specific population The likelihood of the target population to serve as a representative of the total population was also a selection criterion The availability and reliability of the target population in providing the data including their follow-up was also a criterion The major criteria used in selecting the target population considered the population which would provide the required data on the effects of addiction on health and thus targeted the substance addicts and health care providers since they would provide data on how to minimize the effects (Kumar, 2014). Purposeful sampling strategies were also employed in selecting the target population whereby it focused on a limited population which would provide in-depth information and optimal insights on the effects of addiction and how to decrease or prevent them. The criteria also considered the likelihood of the target population to be a representative of the total population who health is affected by addiction. The availability and reliability of the population in providing accurate data was another criteria which also considered whether the selected target population can be followed during the research period to provide more information.

5 The criteria used to determine the proposed data collection
The criteria considered whether the instruments and procedures of data collection were likely to measure all the essential characteristics with accuracy The criteria also considered whether qualitative analysis procedures would be appropriate for the collected data Whether qualitative analysis would enable cross-verifying essential findings from the data collection was also another criteria The criteria also considered whether data collection would provide an opportunity to accommodate new insights which may arise during the process The chief criteria used in deciding the recommended data gathering entailed putting into consideration the instruments and procedures of data collection were likely to measure all the essential effects of addiction on health care as well as the effectiveness of the preventative measures of minimizing the effects (Sullivan-Bolyai, Bova, and Singh, 2014). The criteria also considered whether the qualitative analysis procedure of the data collected would be appropriate for the proposed data collection. The criteria also considered whether the qualitative analysis of the data collected would facilitate the cross-verification of the essential findings from proposed data collection. The criteria for determining the proposed data collection also considered whether the proposed data collection would provide a chance of accommodating new insights on the effects of addiction and how to minimize them in order to ensure the collection of in-depth information.

6 Description of how the method of data collection would be appropriate for the population
The appropriateness of the data collection considered the literacy level of the respondents to ensure the language and procedure used was appropriate for all The appropriateness was also determined by assessing the clarity and simplicity of the method used The use of open-ended data collection approach also ensured that the population responded freely to make the method appropriate The variables examined were also assessed to ensure that they appropriate with the population when giving responses The criteria used in determining the appropriateness of the data collection for the population considered the literacy level of the respondents and the language and procedure used in collecting data on the effects of addiction whereby they were to be appropriate for all the population (Kumar, 2014). The appropriateness of the method of data collection was also by assessing the clarity and simplicity of the method of data collection to ensure that it fitted the population including the time taken in receiving data from them. The appropriate was also determined by the way the data collection employed an open-ended approach to providing the population with the freedom of providing information with ease to ensure the appropriateness of the method to the population. The appropriateness of the method was also ensured by assessing the variables used to ensure that they were appropriate to the population during the data collection.

7 Description of ethical considerations in collecting data
Determining the ethical considerations assessed whether the participation in the data collection was voluntary Assessing whether an informed consent was provided was another criterion for determining the ethical considerations Assessing whether the privacy of participants was ensured and the confidentiality of the data provided was another criteria The criteria also determined whether data sharing observed an informed consent Assessing whether the data collectors employed protocols to protect the identity of the participants Determining whether the collection of data observed ethical considerations assessed whether the sampled population participated voluntarily and also the free will to withdraw from providing information without any consequence (Creswell, 2013). The criteria for determining the use of ethical considerations in data collection also considered whether the participants had an informed consent concerning the procedures and the risks involved since the study was dealing with human subjects. The criteria also assessed whether the participants’ right to privacy and confidentiality was observed. This included determining whether the sensitive questions were asked without putting the respondents in awkward situations. The criteria for determining the description of ethical considerations also assessed whether the sharing of data with other was indicated in a consent process indicating the way it will be shared. Assessing the protocols followed by the data collectors in protecting the identity of the participants from being disclosed was also used in determining the adherence to ethical considerations in data collection.

8 References Creswell, J. W. (2013). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches. Sage publications. Sullivan-Bolyai, S., Bova, C., & Singh, M. D. (2014). Data-collection methods. Nursing Research in Canada-E-Book: Methods, Critical Appraisal, and Utilization, 287. Kumar, R. (2014). Research methodology: A step-by-step guide for beginners. Sage.

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