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2 My Family I have two separate families, as my parents separated when I was in the second grade. At my mom’s house, I have my mom who is a nurse at Northside, and three fabulous poodles. At my dad’s house, I have my dad, stepmother, and three stepsisters. The pets there include a rabbit, three dogs and probably some fish. In my imagination land I have the X-Men, and the Avengers because Imagination.

3 Hobbies and Interests For interests, I’ve had a passion for dinosaurs for a long time, Theropods, to Sauropods, to Plesiosaurs, to Pterosaurs. My other interest are researching completely pointless facts. Cashews come from a fruit. I don’t have many hobbies outside of gaming, and comic books. If anyone cares, my favorite comic book character is Miles Morales, the successor to Spiderman in the ultimate universe, that obtained his powers from a spider that hitched a ride on his uncle when he was stealing from Oscorp.

4 Favorites Most of my favorite things include comic related things.
Deadpool, Miles Morales as Spiderman, Avengers, and the X-Men to name a few. I prefer Marvel to DC, because even though DC did it first, Marvel has done it better. My favorite games include Assassin’s Creed 4, Transistor, Deadpool, and Rollercoaster Tycoon 2. My current role models are Miles Morales, Tony Stark, and Bruce Banner.

5 School I unfortunately go to Cartersville Middle School. Next year I’ll be going to Woodland. (One reason is because every Language Arts teacher seems to instantly hate me) BOOP THE BUTTON BOOP IT BOOP IT NOOOOOO OOOOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW

6 Career Ideas and Future
I genuinely don’t know. For a while I wanted to be a scientist, but there isn’t much I’ve enjoyed so far. Physics seems dull, and I’ve lost interest in space. I have ideas for comic book scripts, but I can’t draw. I’m not good with computers either. Right now it’s either learn to draw or be a mathematician. Because math is great. You know it’s true. Stop. Stop laughing. Stop it.

7 Quiz Who is my favorite superhero?
What school am I going to next year? Name one of my favorite games. Miles Morales, Ultimate Comics Spiderman. Woodland High School. Assassins Creed 4, Transistor, Deadpool, or Rollercoaster Tycoon 2..

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