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Stenella longirostris

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1 Stenella longirostris
Spinner Dolphin Facts Stenella longirostris BIOEXPEDITION.COM


3 Spinner Dolphin It is a marine mammal that belongs to the family Delphinidae of oceanic dolphins. The species name in latin, Stenella Longirostris, means "long beak". Is the most common small cetacean in many tropical open seas. BIOEXPEDITION.COM

4 Anatomy The spinner dolphin is a small cetacean.
Adults are typically 7 feet in length and reach a body mass of pounds. Their color variation depend on the region they live. BIOEXPEDITION.COM

5 Anatomy They are dark grey on the back, lighter grey along the sides and white in the ventral zone. It has a dark grey stripe from the eye to the pectoral flipper. BIOEXPEDITION.COM

6 Habitat They are found in off-shore tropical and subtropical waters around the world. This includes the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific oceans. It does spend time in both shallow reef areas and deeper water farther from land. BIOEXPEDITION.COM

7 Behavior The Stenella longirostris is organized in pods.
Groups vary in size from just a few dolphins to 1,000 individuals. They are very social with each other and with other ocean animal species. BIOEXPEDITION.COM

8 Behavior The spinner dolphin leaps can often be done in a series with as many as 14 leaps in a row. A single spinning leap can include as many as four body revolutions. The Spinner Dolphins are subject to scientific investigation because of their remarkable capacity to learn. BIOEXPEDITION.COM

9 Feeding Pelagic spinner dolphins feed primarily on small fish, mesopelagic on squid and shrimp. They can dive down to depths of 300 meters to catch their prey. BIOEXPEDITION.COM

10 Reproduction The Spinner dolphin is polygynandrous (the kind of polygamy in which a female pairs with several males). Mating happens within the school with no real mate selection. Females are sexuality mature at 4–7 years and males are sexually mature from 7 to 10 years. BIOEXPEDITION.COM

11 Reproduction The spinner dolphin has a 10 months gestation period with 3 year calving intervals. The mother nurses the calf for up to two years. The average lifespan of Spinner Dolphins is 20 years. BIOEXPEDITION.COM

12 Threats The major threats to spinner dolphins are habitat destruction and fishing. Large numbers of spinner dolphins have also been captured in gillnets and killed by harpoons. BIOEXPEDITION.COM

13 Threats The IUCN classifies this species as data deficient.
Spinner dolphins are protected in some regions around the world, especially in USA and Pacific Islands. BIOEXPEDITION.COM

14 Credits Copyright© 2012

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