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National Service in Missouri

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1 National Service in Missouri
National Service in Missouri Linda Thompson, Executive Director Missouri Community Service Commission Business and Community Services Division Harry S Truman Office Building, Suite 770 P. O. Box 118 Jefferson City, MO  65102 Phone: (573) Fax:     (573) Mobile: (573)  

2 History of National Service
National and Community Service Act Drafted under the Clinton Admin and signed into law in September 1993 Legislation created the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS)

3 CNCS AmeriCorps Learn & Serve America VISTA SeniorCorps RSVP
Foster Grandparents Senior Companions

4 AmeriCorps AmeriCorps is a network of national service programs that engage more than 50,000 Americans each year in intensive service to meet critical needs in education, public safety, health, and the environment. AmeriCorps Members serve through more than 2,100 nonprofits, public agencies and faith-based organizations.

5 Missouri Community Service Commission (MCSC)
Created by the Missouri Legislature in 1994 under Governor Carnahan

6 MCSC’s Vision & Mission
VISION: To Strengthen Missouri Communities Through Volunteerism and Service MISSION: The Missouri Community Service Commission connects Missourians of all ages and backgrounds in an effort to improve unmet community needs through direct and tangible service. The MCSC serves as the administrator for AmeriCorps*State funding in Missouri by awarding monetary grants and providing technical assistance and support.

7 Commission Structure Board of Commissions Staff
15-25 Governor-appointed Commissioners Range of Representation Political Affiliations Committees Program Committee Service Committee Public Relations Committee Development Committee Staff Executive Director Fiscal Program Officer Compliance Officer Program Training Officer Administrative Assistant

8 Major Focus Areas Healthy Futures Clean Energy Veterans
Opportunities for Adults ages 55+ Human Needs Community Strengthening Member Development Environmental Public Safety Education Volunteer Generation Emergency Response

9 AmeriCorps*State Formula and Competitive Programs
To engage citizens of all ages and backgrounds in community initiatives that address the most pressing civic needs.

10 Potential Applicants State and local nonprofit organizations
Community and faith-based organizations State, local, and higher education institutions State and local governments

11 Project Types Education Health Public Safety Environmental
Homeland Security

12 Competitive Funds Availability
Availability is determined by Congress and priorities are established by CNCS. The MCSC was awarded for the following: Roughly $1.4 mil in competitive funds. Approximately $1.5 mil in forumula. Approximately $1.1 mil in stimulus funds.

13 Formula Funds Availability
Formula funds are awarded to AmeriCorps applicants who successfully compete at the state level. The MCSC formally approves programs for formula funding and informs the CNCS of its decisions. Fund availability is determined by Congress and allocated to the MCSC on a state population formula.

14 Grant Period Organizations selected through this funding round are generally granted a three-year project period. Applications should include proposed activities and a detailed budget for the first year of operation and program objectives for a one year period.

15 2nd & 3rd Year Funding Funding for the second and third years of an approved program is contingent upon satisfactory progress in relation to the approved objectives, submission of proposed changes in activities or objectives and a detailed budget and budget narrative for the applicable program year, the availability of funds, and any other criteria established in the award agreement.

16 Grant Size Limitations
Minimum (as set by the Commission) of 5 Member Service Years (MSYs) for all programs Maximum of 10 MSYs for new programs. The maximum of 10 MSYs is just for the first year of the 3-year cycle. Maximum amount that a new program may request in is $13,000 per MSY.

17 Match Requirements Programs must provide and account for matching funds. All programs are required to raise some funds from the private sector, e.g., corporations, foundations, individuals, local businesses, and non-profit organizations.

18 Statutory Requirements
Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Min Overall Share 26% 30% 34% 38% 42% 46% 50% Min Overall Share (Alternative) N/A 29% 31% 33% 35%

19 Match Requirements The match for member support costs (excluding health insurance) must be in non-federal cash. Programs may provide matching funds for operating costs in cash or in-kind, Programs may use non-Corporation federal funds as match if permitted by the rules governing those federal funds.

20 Terms of Service Full-time At least 1700 hours
Half-Time At least 900 hours Reduced Half-Time At least 675 hours Quarter-Time At least 450 hours Minimum-Time At least 300 hours

21 Member Benefits Living Allowance Child Care Educational Award
Health Care CPR, First Aid and ERT Training Civic Engagement Term Type # of Hours Education Award Full-time At least 1700 hours $5,350 One Year Half-Time At least 900 hours $2,675 Reduced Half-Time At least 675 hours $2,038 Quarter-Time At least 450 hours $1,415 Minimum-Time At least 300 hours $1,132

22 Thank You! Questions

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