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Clou5 Everything from one source: simple and multifunctional communication and cooperation instrument. The work for the registered networks, will.

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3 Clou5 Everything from one source: simple and multifunctional communication and cooperation instrument. The work for the registered networks, will be much more efficient on the platform Clou 5, in terms of cooperation but also in cooperation between members of different networks to develop innovative products, processes and services.

4 Cluster Manager Advantages
LEVEL UP YOUR SERVICES Networks can expand their service portfolio for members with CLOU5, e.g. through cross-network cooperation and access to superior knowledge/expertise (area “LEARN” e.g. web-based seminars) as well as all CLOU5 functionalities. Outstanding Cross-cluster COOPERATION The initiation and implementation of cooperation between own members or between members of other registered networks can be easily arranged. understanding members‘ needs The network manager can respond more efficiently to the individual member needs, e.g. when searching for specific technologies or specific problems (e.g. open up of groups for exchange with corresponding partners)

5 Cluster Manager Advantages
Locked and Safed rooms for Communication Network manager can provide their members a protected and safe room (according to the current state of the art, platform located on German server) for the confidential exchange of information (e.g.within the framework of funded projects or innovation discussions). Open up to other Cluster Network manager can communicate and cooperate easier with other networks / other network manager (e.g. during cross-cluster cooperation projects). uSE of one Management tool Network manager can use many different project management tools on one platform

6 Cluster Member Advantages
Leading in knowledge The knowledge of many people and the expertise of all involved networks and their members. OPEN up NeW WAYs OF COMMUNICATION The communication between members will be more intensified and the sustainability of contacts will be increased. unique trust-based environment Secure, safe and trust-based spaces for confidential exchange of information far beyond the boundaries of the individual enterprise or reseach institute.

7 Cluster Member Advantages
Limitation of Costs and Time Resource-saving exchange on the trust-based platform CLOU 5 (no travel costs, no travel time). Organising virtual in-house Seminars Organising virtual in-house seminars in secured, closed rooms with experts and hosts. Using Clou5 functionalities Using all functionalities of Clou5 in one platform

8 Clou5 Functionalities Closed communication rooms
Conference system (video) File sharing Project management tools Chairing virtual inhouse workshops Learning platform Resource-saving exchange in a secured environment (no travel time and cost) Technology offer and request from and to experts

9 About Clou5 Founder Members
InnoZent OWL (founded in 1998) - Core task to network different competences of and with companies, science and research, politics and administration in the field of information and communications technology (ICT) - 65 members Food-Processing Initiative (founded in 2000) - facilitate innovation through branding and cooperation in the whole food value chain, supporting the visibility and growth of members) - 120 members and co-operation partners BalticNet-PlasmaTec (founded in 2006) - international cluster with technology and market-oriented cooperation of science, research and economics in the field of plasma technology) - 71 members in 15 different countries

10 Clou5 is sponsored by

11 Cocoon Grow YOUR IDEAS Michael Kemkes
InnoZent OWL e.V. Zukunftsmeile Paderborn Tel.: +49 (0)

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