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Presentation on theme: "1030/1090 MHZ SECURITY MONITORING SYSTÉM"— Presentation transcript:

SECURITY MONITORING SYSTEM Presented by: František Remta Remta Consulting s.r.o. Yerevan, Armenia, September 2017

2 About T-CZ Company Radar production: Company founded in 1997
Headquarters in Praha R&D and production facilities in Pardubice 170 employees Two divisions: Radar Radiocommunications Radar production: Airport Surveillance Radars (S-band) Precision Approach Radars Monitoring & Security Systems ADS-B Systems

3 The Problem Airspace surveillance is provided by:
Mode A/C/S secondary radars, Multilateration on surface or over wide areas, ADS-B, ACAS, Military Identification Friend and Foe (IFF Mode 4 and 5) - all these technologies employ the same communication channel – 1030/1090 MHz frequencies Unregulated use of these frequencies could finally result in degraded performance of surveillance systems The security of 1030 /1090 MHz band is the crucial condition for the air traffic safety

4 Any Solution? T-CZ has developed the „1030/1090 Security Monitoring System“, designed for monitoring of comminication activity at /1090 MHz band The system continuously evaluates the environment of interrogations and replies and indicates any abnormal situation Data are collected using two separate ground receivers at / 1090 MHz band and further processed by COTS computer with special data processing software Acquired data are stored for later off-line analysis Requirements specification and current improvements of the system under development have been performed in close cooperation with ANS Czech Republic

5 System Architecture Antenna subsystem Two signal splitters
1030/1090 receiving antennas GNSS antenna Two signal splitters GNSS signal splitter 1030/1090 MHz signal splitter Two Receiving units 1030 MHz Receiving unit 1090 MHz Receiving unit Data processing unit COTS computer with data processing software

6 Standards Conformance
ICAO Annex 10 Volume IV – Surveillance and Collision Avoidance Systems. ICAO Doc 9871 Technical Provisions for Mode S Services and Extended Squitter. EN 55011:2009+A1:2010 Industrial, scientific and medical equipment. Radio-frequency disturbance characteristics. Limits and methods of measurement. EN Safety of information technology equipment. ETSI EN Environmental conditions and environmental tests for telecommunications equipment.

7 Functionality of the System
Real time operation Ground interrogation analysis Interrogator localization; Interrogator main parameters measurement and listing; PRF measurement (SSR and Mode S); Interrogator code identification; Interrogator main lobe beamwidth estimation; Generation of real-time alerts based on pre-defined triggers Transponder load analysis Density of load inside FIR evaluation

8 Functionality of the System (continued)
Data Recording / Replay Various replay modes are available: Searching records by date and time; Filtering by various parameters (ICAO address, Service type, etc..); Correlation of measured data with database of known interrogators. Indirect Localizing of Interrogators Even if a 1030 MHz transmitter cannot be detected directly, using sophisticated software for analysis of aircraft responses at 1090 MHz, the system can deliver estimated position of respective 1030 MHz interrogator.

9 Density of Load inside FIR
The monitor provides statistical analysis that results in average load created by different types of surveillance systems Following diagrams show hypothetical average distribution of load generated by different surveillance systems Average load distribution by system Load distribution in time over 24 hours Please note that the data shown in these diagrams are not true data, only examples to illustrate the capability of the monitoring system

10 Operational Load of Individual Transponder
The diagram shows the distribution of replies count per second per airplane Only Mode S replies are processed, without A/C, ACAS or ADS-B CRSA: Count of replies per second per airplane For example, level (5) represents count ca 12 replies per second per airplane, while level (2) represents ca 2 replies Sample data have been acquired in FIR Praha

11 Average Density of Replies within FIR
… is represented by count of MSSR replies that have been originated from unit area of airspace projection to ground. CRHQ: Count of replies per hour per square km For example, level (5) represents ca 20 replies per hour that have been originated from 1 km square area, while level (2) represents ca 4 replies Sample data have been acquired in FIR Praha

12 Average Density of Replies within FIR
Mode S All-Call regime when Lock-out function is active CRHQ: Count of replies per hour per square km This particular radar site is BUKOP, the Czech Republic (RSM-970 by Thales) Worth to notify that also a blind cone over the interrogator is clearly visible

13 Average Density of Replies within FIR
The situation similar to previous picture. Two interrogators with same identification code. The circlular areas blanked simultaneously by two different interrogators should not overlap CRHQ: Count of replies per hour per square km

14 Average Density of Replies within FIR
For comparison, this diagram shows the load at 1090 MHz as it is caused by ADS-B system CRHQ: Count of replies per hour per square km.

15 Indirect Method of Interrogator Localizing
Typically, when the monitoring system is installed at ground level, interrogators are not directly visible and can be hardly localized. However localization of interrogators can be performed indirectly, by analyzing aircraft responses. When aircraft is responding to a particular interrogator, it means that it is irradiated by interrogator's main beam. Time correlation of data acquired from several transponders can get estimation of bearings to the interrogator and finally estimation of the interrogator position.

16 Indirect Method of Interrogator Localizing
These two of pictures show the indirect localization of Wroclaw radar site. Time-of-arrival localization (upper diagram) All-call reply, blind cone visible (lower diagram) Different evaluation methods have been applied on same set of data

17 Indirect Method of Interrogator Localizing
These particular data are related to Psunj, Croatia radar site: Time-of-arrival localization All-call reply Photo of actual situation Map view for comparison

18 System Features / Summary
Professional system developed for ATC security Monitoring the 1030/1090 MHz band load using ground equipment Determining the sources polluting the RF band Providing trend analysis, reports and alerts Data storage and replay for further analysis BITE for continuous monitoring of all subsystems Minimum installation requirements / Low acquisition costs Easily dual redundant configuration on request Dual LAN output Low power consumption Low operation and maintenance demands

19 For Further Information Contact:
System manufacturer: T-CZ, a.s. Dělnická Pardubice Czech Republic Phone.: Contact for Eastern Europe: Remta Consulting s.r.o. Bartoňova 832 53012 Pardubice Czech Republic Phone:

20 Thank you for your attention


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