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Secondary V parents Information night

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1 Secondary V parents Information night

2 Graduation Requirements
There are four requirements to receive a Secondary School Diploma You have a minimum total of 54 credits 20 of these credits are from secondary five courses You must pass Secondary 4: Math Science History Art (Drama, Art, Dance or Music) You must pass Secondary 5: English, French, Phys. Ed or Ethics


4 How to Read The provincial transcript
Your child’s Permanent Code and name UN =Credits Resultat =Grade CEN percentile: only for Ministry exams

5 CODE = last 3 digits tell you the course level
Credits you have ALREADY Accumulated UN de 4e Credits you CAN Accumulate this year UN de 5e sec

All results are taken into consideration, all courses are given equal weight in the average calculation. Ex: Sec 4 Science (first time) : Sec 4 Science (second time) :76 Average Mark : 64

7 Minimum: Secondary School Diploma!!!
CEGEP Programs Pre-University Programs Career Programs 2 Years Objective: To go to University Streams: Science, Commerce, Creative Arts, Liberal Arts Offered in all schools 3 Years Objective: To enter a career or to go to University Ex: Computer science, Police Tech, Nursing Specific to a school Minimum: Secondary School Diploma!!!

8 CEGEP Programs Continued…
Both Pre-University and Career programs have common “General Education” courses English (placement test) French (placement test) Humanities (classes related to human civilization) Phys Ed Complementary (social science, science and technology, computer science, modern languages, arts and aesthetics classes)

9 What Grades do CEGEPS look at?
Sec 4 (Final Grades) Sec 5 Term 1 Sec 5 Term 2 Acceptance is conditional; you have to pass term 3 to guarantee going to CEGEP

10 Minimum Admission Requirements depending on Cegep

11 Pre-requisite classes Overview
Science programs Chemistry Physics Secondary V Science Math Commerce General Social Science No specific course requirements EACH PROGRAM IS DIFFERENT!!! Your son or daughter should consult the college guide books and website pages to ensure they understand what pre-requisites are required for their program of interest

12 Min. Admission Requirements to get into: Science - (Not including Honors Science)
Institution Science + Math Average Overall Average Champlain 80% *Dawson 70% 70% * (Minimum avg. accepted was 86%) *Marianopolis 81% Science avg 75% TS/SN Math 83% *Vanier 78% John Abbott 70% in each pre-rec 82-85% * = Institutions with Honors Science Programs

13 Min. Admission Requirements to get into: Commerce
Institution Math Average Overall Average Champlain 75% 75 % Dawson 70 % Marianopolis 70 % TS/SN Math, sec IV and V *76% “Arts average” Vanier 65% John Abbott N/A 75% - 77% “Arts average” = all credited courses from sec IV and V but no math or science courses

14 Min. Admission Requirements to get into: Social Science
Institution Overall Average Champlain 65 % **(75% in science math if going into world studies with math) Dawson 65 % Marianopolis 73% *74% “Arts average” Vanier 74% **(60% in science math if going into Social Science With Math) John Abbott 75% - 77% “Arts average” = all credited courses from sec IV and V but no math or science courses

15 Preparatory Science Programs
Dawson Developmental Science : You have all the required courses (Chem, Phys and Math TS/SN V) to get into Health or Pure, but 1 (or more ) is below 70% Explorations Science: You are missing one or more of the required courses and you haven’t failed anything. Vanier John Abbott Pathways to Science: You are missing one or more of the required courses

16 Continuing Education courses
Adult Education Centers If you child is missing pre-requisites they have the option of taking those classes in the Adult Education sector, for example at Access Dawson continuing education program For students who wish to complete courses specifically required by a university for admission to a program. Students registered in this program can be either part-time or full-time

17 Make an informed Decision
Open Houses - Student for a day – register online on CEGEP websites Guide books/CEGEP websites Students have access to guide books in Academic Advising Office D102

18 Tips for Students Choose programs you have the prerequisites for:
You may need a letter of intent , portfolio or fitness testing - make sure you have time to prepare yourself! Your applications MUST BE COMPLETE! Make sure you know your permanent code (on report card) as you will need it for your application

19 How to Apply Deadline for all CEGEPS = March 1st
Students must have their permanent code Grades will be submitted by the School Board A copy of your birth certificate (sent in by mail or uploaded online) Application fee - $30.00 (more for private CEGEPS)

20 Application sites Common Application -
Champlain, Dawson SRAM - Vanier, John Abbott, Champlain – Lennoxville, French CEGEPS Private CEGEPS Have their own application websites

21 Round System Common Application SRAM
1st and 2nd choice programs made at time of admission SRAM 1st choice made at time of admission 2nd choice made in 2nd round 3rd choice made in 3rd round Application Simulations are possible on both sites

22 Vocational Education Under the Adult Education Sector
Duration of Program : 6 months to 1.5 years depending on the program Courses specific to trade being taught No general courses

23 Vocational Education Minimum entrance requirements
16 years old Completed Sec 4 English, French and Math (Some programs available at Sec 3 level) Starting dates: vary Need to speak to center offering the program

24 Vocational Education Examples of Careers
Secretarial Studies - Carpentry Pharmacy Technical Assistance - Dental Assistant Health Assistance and Nursing - Mechanics Computer Accounting Automobile mechanics Professional Cooking/Baking Hairdressing …and many many more! Inforouteftp-

25 Applying to a Vocational Program
Service regional d’admission en formation professionnelle (srafp) Contact the center directly to find out starting dates of the program you are interested in Documents needed: Birth Certificate Most recent copy of Provincial Transcript Most recent copy of high school report card 6$ fee to apply

26 When in doubt, make an appointment!
Visit the Guidance page of our CRHS website to request appointments - See Ms Martindale in D102 Or

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