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“Death” Poem By: Johanna Nurse Malobola Power Point By: Anna H.

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Presentation on theme: "“Death” Poem By: Johanna Nurse Malobola Power Point By: Anna H."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Death” Poem By: Johanna Nurse Malobola Power Point By: Anna H.
Greta B. Meghan V.

2 T- Title We think that the poem “Death” will be about people dying of AIDS.

3 P- Paraphrase In our word the poem “Death” is about a person describing the absence of everyone since death came unexpectedly. He is also asking Death questions about what it does and why.

4 C- Connotation Simile “When you come, you slink like a cat.” Tone The speaker of the poem is very curious. He is upset because people are dying then at the end he’s angry. He wants to teach death “a lesson.”

5 C- Connotation Unknown words Initiation rites: ceremonies performed when people take on a new role in life. Lament: to feel or express sorrow or regret for Kraal: an enclosure for cattle and other domestic animals in southern Africa.

6 A- Attitude The speakers attitude is curious and questioning then he gets angry. The poets attitude is the same as the speakers, curious and then angry.

7 S- Shifts In the beginning he is asking Death questions and is describing death. In the end he is angry with Death and he wants to stop death.

8 T- Title Now that we have read the poem “Death” we know that the title means that the poem is about Death and what the speaker/poet thinks about Death.

9 The theme of this poem is Death can come unexpectedly.
T- Theme The theme of this poem is Death can come unexpectedly.


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