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Virginia State Organization|

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1 Virginia State Organization|
DKG Educators Communicate! . Top 10 Communication & Publicity Strategies Good morning! On behalf of the Virginia Iota State Communication & Publicity Committee, I am LeAnn Bunch, and this is Allison Taylor. Members Dr. Elizabeth Tarner and Susan Stanley send their regrets. Our committee prepared a handout which you should have in your packets. The committee members and their contact information are listed on the handout and on the Iota state website. DKG International Society for Key Women Educators | Virginia State Organization|

2 Virginia State Organization|
DKG Educators Communicate! . #1 chapter newsletters to (also to coordinating council chair) When you the chapter newsletter to this google group address, all eight committee members including the editor, webmaster, state president, and executive secretary will have access. We hope this group address makes ing newsletters less complicated. You will still need to chapter newsletters to the coordinating council chairperson. The webmaster will continue to post newsletters on the web site. DKG International Society for Key Women Educators | Virginia State Organization|

3 Virginia State Organization|
DKG Educators Communicate! . #2 Visit the Virginia Iota State website When you visit the state website, be sure to review the newsletters and documents for program and design ideas. Drop by the “new” Communications and Publicity webpage under “Committees and Boards.” DKG International Society for Key Women Educators | Virginia State Organization|

4 Virginia State Organization|
DKG Educators Communicate! . #3 Increase membership on Iota State Organization, and on Tweet #DKGVA Social media provides new avenues for communication between chapter members and with other DKG members around the world. Virginia, Iota State has a Facebook page and now has a Twitter address, too! DKG International Society for Key Women Educators | Virginia State Organization|

5 Virginia State Organization|
DKG Educators Communicate! . #4 Teach each other new ways to communicate at the chapter level. #5 Use social media to publicize DKG. Find out WHO in your chapter understands and uses Facebook & Twitter and ask them to help others learn the value of social media for communication and publicity. You can use personal Facebook and Twitter to publicize DKG activities and generate interest in the society. Chapters may want to create their own Facebook pages or groups to connect with each other in a different way. DKG International Society for Key Women Educators | Virginia State Organization|

6 Virginia State Organization|
DKG Educators Communicate! . # 6 Use survey polls such as and Either of These online surveys are easy, free, efficient ways to take a quick poll or vote of chapter members when fast action is needed. Can you imagine the time saved over making individual phone calls? DKG International Society for Key Women Educators | Virginia State Organization|

7 Virginia State Organization|
DKG Educators Communicate! . #7 Publicize DKG as a professional organization; identify DKG as women educators when using Delta Kappa Gamma or DKG in print. As we work together to identify ourselves as a professional society of women educators or key women educators, we move away from the misconception that DKG is a sorority for teachers. Remember that using Delta Kappa Gamma or DKG International Society alone does not identify who we are. DKG International Society for Key Women Educators | Virginia State Organization|

8 Virginia State Organization|
DKG Educators Communicate! . #8 Reflect Does your chapter publicize and market DKG through newsletters, print media, and social media? In your chapter, discuss this reflection question. Let our committee know how we can assist you to improve communication and extend your reach into your community. DKG International Society for Key Women Educators | Virginia State Organization|

9 Virginia State Organization|
DKG Educators Communicate! . #9 Create a chapter communications plan to identify strengths and areas for improvement in chapter communication. How can your chapter increase or improve communications? A plan is like a road map to help you navigate toward the desired destination. DKG International Society for Key Women Educators | Virginia State Organization|

10 Virginia State Organization|
DKG Educators Communicate! . #10 Use these slides and handout, posted on the Communications and Publicity Committee page at for a chapter program. We challenge you to share this information with your chapter as a program highlight or for a committee or board meeting. Our script is included on the notes page. Let this be the starting point for creating a communication plan for your chapter. DKG International Society for Key Women Educators | Virginia State Organization|

11 DKG Educators Communicate!
Virginia State Communication and Publicity Committee Appointed Committee Members LeAnn Bunch Susan F. Stanley Dr. Elizabeth (Liz) Tarner, Chair Allison O. Taylor Ex-Officio Members Linda Hall, President Lynne B. Carson, Editor Glenna Hensdill, Executive Secretary Dr. Mary Mehaffey, Webmaster Share with our committee the ways you publicize, communicate, and promote DKG in your community. Contact any one of us if we can help you in any way. Please say hello to Allie and LeAnn at the meeting. Thank you. : DKG International Society for Key Women Educators | Virginia State Organization|

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