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Targeted Behaviors In Order of Severity

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1 Targeted Behaviors In Order of Severity
Physical Aggression a. Biting b. Throwing objects at other people c. Head butting d. Hitting e. Kicking f. Scratching g. Pinching h. Grabbing staff i. Or otherwise attempting to harm or hurt others The following slides are an example of a specific plan for a student with aggressive behaviors. These Charts were hung on the wall in the rooms where student might be to remind staff of procedures. These were practiced by staff through role playing so everyone remembered to use the same language. Prepared By: Claire Greer, Consultant for Autism, Severe & Multiple Disabilities

2 2. Property Damage Tipping chairs over Throwing things but not at other person If several inappropriate behaviors occur at the same time, address the most serious one with a consequence.

3 REWARDS Without Reinforcement there is no intervention. B.F.Skinner Healthy Drink Schedule Fruit Juice - 9am Water am Decaffeinated soda - 1pm “XXXX, it is now X o’clock in the morning (afternoon). Choice time. Would you like a glass of X or X (water, juice, soda)? You choose: X or X. (Use pictures to cut down on words if needed) a. If she indicated, for example, a ‘soda’, then say the following: “XXXX, good job. Now I know what you want, I will get it for you.” b. Before handing it to her say, “ XXXX, here is your X. But if you throw X you lose your next scheduled time to chose a drink. If you follow your rules then you will get to choose again at X. Show visual with words. c. If she doesn’t make a decision take this as a ‘no’ response and say, “XXXX, since you have not chosen one, that tells me you do not want a drink. That’s OK. I will still ask you again at X o’clock.” d. If she changes her mind say. “XXXX, thank you for letting me know what you want. But we have to wait until X o’clock to make next choice.”

4 10-minute listening to music or walk around school;
Schedule 8 am 10 am 12 pm 2 pm Say to her, “XXXX, it is now X o’clock, you choose, listening to music or walk around school. a. If she indicated, for example, ‘walking around school’, then say the following: “XXXX, good job. Now I know what you want, Let’s go for a walk.” b. Before leaving say to her, “ XXXX, we are going for a walk. But if you don’t follow rules you lose your next choice time. If you follow your rules then you will get to choose again at X.” c. If she doesn’t make a decision take this as a ‘no’ response and say, “XXXX, since you have not chosen one, that tells me you do not want to listen to music or walk. That’s OK. I will still ask you again at X o’clock.” d. If she changes her mind say. “XXXX, thank you for letting me know what you want. But we have to wait until X o’clock to make next choice.”

5 3-Warning System 3-warnings in any 30-minute period
Property Damage Tipping Chairs over 1. “STOP, XXXX! This is your first warning. If I have to give you two more warning, you will lose your _______.” If she continues, say, 2. “STOP, XXXX! This is your second warning. One more and you will lose your _______.” If she continues, say, “STOP, XXXX! This is your third warning. You have lost your _____.” Throwing Things But Not at Another Person Same as above

6 Other Behaviors 1. Constantly Going to the Bathroom
Take her to a different bathroom each time she asks. Lose next reinforcer soda and next fun van ride. Urinating and Defecating in Pants Perseveration on ‘wanting to go home’ a. Try to verbally explain to her what is going on Use 3-warning system Perseverative thinking should be considered a warning signal for frustration or impatience Aggressive Talk Should be considered a warning signal for frustration or impatience. Try and identify the source of irritation for her. Reassure her. In the past, this behavior was a clear signal of imminent physical aggression.

7 Undirected Screaming/Yelling
Use 3-warning approach, like with verbal aggression However, after the 3-warnings, back off and do not talk to her again for 5 minutes 1. This is to try and prevent further agitation.

8 Physical Aggression Procedures
Staff use CPI as necessary to ensure safety. Immediate quiet time until she is calm for at least 5 minutes, or a minimum of 5 minutes, even if she appears to cool-off faster than that. If at school, quiet time means either moving to an isolated spot in the room during which time she is to have no social interaction with staff or others; or, while being escorted to the Quiet Space. Use of isolated spot is to be attempted first. Only move her to Quiet space if other students are unable to do their work. No talking to her during quiet time. If staff needs to communicate use pictures or model expected behavior.

9 After she is calm and has completed quiet time, she needs to return to the activity she came from.
Before leaving quiet time show her what is expected with pictures Show previous activity Say, “We are going back to ___, when we get there you can do work (show her work card) or you can say finished (model finished)” We want her to learn the appropriate way to protest.

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