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Shrimp cocktail What tools do scientist use to assess the toxicity of different compounds?

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Presentation on theme: "Shrimp cocktail What tools do scientist use to assess the toxicity of different compounds?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Shrimp cocktail What tools do scientist use to assess the toxicity of different compounds?

2 Teaching Standards Environmental science standards Biology standards
Recognize that humans are part of the global ecosystem and evaluate the effects of human activities on ecosystems Biology standards Assess how human activities such as pesticide use influence and modify the environment Relate animal adaptations, including behaviors, to the ability to survive stressful environmental conditions

3 Bioassays What is a bioassay? What is a bioindicator?
What characteristics make a good bioindicator species? Sensitivity Representative of the system you are interested in?

4 Ghost shrimp Crustaceans Scavengers
Easily observable under dissecting microscope Nearly translucent Sensitive to environmental changes

5 Acute vs Chronic effect Sublethal effects
Once we choose an indicator species, how do we measure the effects of a chemical? Acute vs Chronic effect Sublethal effects Behavior Heart rate-stimulants vs. depressants Lethal effects LD50 Dose/concentration is important Sublethal effects Fig 1. Effect of two insecticides on insect survival

6 Activity 1 Sublethal effects of chemicals on ghost shrimp
Record baseline heart rate Add a single drop of each solution and measure change in heart rate Ethanol, sugar solution, hot and cold water

7 Activity 1 Questions Which solutions showed an increase in heart rate?
Which solutions showed a decrease in heart rate? Which solutions would you classify as stimulants? Depressants?

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