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Many-to-Many Models Multicommodity Flows

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1 Many-to-Many Models Multicommodity Flows
John H. Vande Vate Spring, 2001

2 Outline Single vs Multi commodity problems Edge vs Path Formulations

3 Single Commodity Flows
Single Commodity: A demon could secretly swap items in transit from one vehicle to another and no one would care. Few things are truly single-commodity Distinguished by Obvious features Origin Destination ...

4 At Strategic Level Sometimes combine to single commodity
Example: Ford Service Parts We used an “average” product Did not consider individual parts Danger for 1-to-Many Different “dimensions” of product Size Weight Cost/Value Service requirements

5 Single Commodity Models
Built on Network Flow models Variables are volume moving from point to point These are “easy”, but complicated by... Binary Fixed charge/Shut down variables Did Denver ship to the warehouse? Did we open the terminal?

6 Economies of Scale f3 v3 v2 f2 v1 f1 b1 b2 b3 Total Cost
Total = fixed + variable*volume f3 v3 Variable v2 f2 Total Cost v1 f1 b1 b2 b3 Volume Shipped

7 Capturing Economies Binary Objective: Minimize
hivol hiuse medvol meduse lowvol lowuse Objective: Minimize f1*lowuse+f2*meduse+f3*hiuse + v1*lowuse +v2*meduse+v3*hiuse Binary

8 Constraints lowvol  b1*lowuse lowvol  b2*lowuse medvol  b2*meduse
hivol hiuse medvol meduse lowvol lowuse lowvol  b1*lowuse lowvol  b2*lowuse medvol  b2*meduse medvol  b3*meduse hivol  b3*hiuse hivol  M*hiuse lowuse+meduse+hiuse =1

9 Multi Commodity Models
Material balance for each commodity Otherwise ship consoles from Denver to the warehouse send them to customers as CPUs! Several network flow models combined What ties them together?

10 Shared Capacity On lanes Through facilities Network flow 1
flows flows  Capacity

11 Shared Economy Combining flows of separate commodities reduces unit transportation cost for all.

12 Path Formulation Variables are Typically huge numbers of variables!
Volume of a commodity moving from an ultimate origin to an ultimate destination along a specific path E.g., Volume of CPUs from Green Bay to DC 51 via warehouse in Indianapolis. Typically huge numbers of variables!

13 Column Generation Solved by Column Generation
Solve LP with some paths Use shadow prices to identify attractive paths Generate variables for these new paths Repeat… Typically reduces size of problems. This is only important for really large problems

14 Combining Flows Different commodities sharing a vehicle
Easy to figure vehicle capacity for single commodity How to figure vehicle capacity for mixed loads?

15 Typical Approach 10 items 20 items 40% 60% 4 items 12 items

16 Formulation Blue Vol/10 + Red Vol/20  1 sum{c in commodities}
Volume[c]/Load[c]  1; More often this is used to calculate the number of vehicles required to carry the given volumes: Assumes full loads! Vehicles = Blue Vol/10 + Red Vol/20

17 Several Capacities Weight Limit Space or Cube
Ensure loads meet each limit Vehicles  Blue Vol/10 + Red Vol/20 Vehicles  Blue Vol/8 + Red Vol/25 Number that reaches the weight limit Number that fills the cube

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