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Business Administration Lecture 1 Notes

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1 Business Administration 362 1999-3 Lecture 1 Notes
Week 13 Agenda Administrative things to finalize for August 16. Discussion of the Final exam format Cloud Computing example discussion question Questions/Issues on the Wiki Epilog: What I think you now know… Drew Parker September 1999

2 Final exam question format
Each presentation nets a single final question. Here’s one that came from last term: The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of a client firm has expressed interest in the opportunity of cloud computing. They have heard of the flexibility, scalability, and cost-effectiveness of a cloud computing model. Now they would like to see how this could fit into their firm. Given that the firm handles some confidential data, briefly outline what the potential options and benefits are, and what concerns or risks they need to be aware of.

3 Discussion Points Defined Degrees of Implementation
Private Cloud, Public, Hybrid, Community Degrees of Implementation Software as a Service Platform as a Service Infrastructure as a Service Data as a Service

4 Discussion Points Advantages Flexible Cost-Efficient Scalable
Automated Backup and Recovery Access anywhere Automatic Software Integration Quick Deployment

5 Discussion Points Issues Security Privacy Legal Backups Access Lists
International access Responsibilities Data Ownership

6 BUS 466 Drew 1.0: ‘If you really want to learn something, try teaching it to a class.’ Drew 2.0: ‘If you really want them to learn it. Make them teach it to you.’ Drew 3.0 ‘Learning no longer fits in a seminar format. The seminar time should be a reflection and discussion of the week’s discoveries.’ User generated content – more brains working on material – broader learning opportunity Q: How many multiple choice exams did they write?

7 What I think you now know…
You can talk intelligently, confidently, and with authority with anyone about Web 2.0, social networking, and new media What it is Where it came from How it impacts Lives Reputations Privacy Businesses Governments Span of authority regulation

8 What I think you now know…
You know about how new media applications in business, such as the sharing economy and how it is changing the business landscape Uber AirBNB Open Source Cloud

9 What I think you now know…
You know about the various technologies that facilitate social networking. Blogs Microblogs and Tweets Instagram Google+, Facebook RSS and IM Yammer And, particularly, Wikis

10 What I think you now know…
You can speak authoritatively about what you might use a Wiki for And then you can tell someone that you were part of creating a wiki from the ground up using MediaWiki

11 What I think you now know…
You can discuss how business uses new Web methods and technologies to communicate with its customers, and vice-versa. You can cite winners and losers and explain why.

12 What I think you now know…
You can discuss technologies related to new media and technology in context, and tie them together. Specifically: Data Brokers Fake News Autonomous Vehicles Machine Learning Artificial Intelligence Robo-Advisors The Dark Web Quantum Computing

13 What I think you now know…
You know about the potential ‘dark sides’ of Web 2.0 Privacy Surveillance Trusting unknown sources Reputation Management I don’t think I won the argument this time…

14 What I think you now know…
You can discuss how Google is an example of brilliant strategy, excellence. In the same conversation, you can highlight how Google has the possibility of Orwellian danger signs. Don’t be evil Google versus "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men.” Lord Acton, 1887. "Unlimited power is apt to corrupt the minds of those who possess it" William Pitt, Speech to House of Lords, 1770.

15 What I think you now know…
You can talk generally about Internet demographics, who is using social networking, and how an organization could harness some of this potential. ‘Media’ is changing, along with the millennial demographic. The notion of ‘private ownership’ seems to be under close scrutiny. You can also talk about the complexity of ‘getting it right’ the first time, and how a foray into Social Media requires careful thought and respectful dialog

16 What I think you now know…
And I truly hope you have picked up a habit of keeping an eye on what’s new in technology from various sources. Its always handy if you are in an IT role to have an intelligent answer to the question: ‘So. What’s new today?’ ‘So, what do you think about the latest Samsung drama?’ What is next for Google? How do they track your offline purchases? Why? Should we go into the cloud?

17 What I think you now know…
You know a lot of things now, I think. And you will prove that to me August 16th from 8:30 to 11:30 in WMC 2305

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