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Cathy Cinque, Colleen Murphy, Manny Ilguo

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1 Cathy Cinque, Colleen Murphy, Manny Ilguo
Becquerel Cathy Cinque, Colleen Murphy, Manny Ilguo

2 Henri Becquerel’s Life
Born December 15, 1852 in Paris, France Alexander Edmond Becquerel, his father, was a Professor of Applied Physics His grandfather was also a physicist He received his doctorate degree in science in 1888

3 Contributions to the Atom
Becquerel discovered radioactivity and created a new understanding of the atom and atomic structure He figured out that the nucleus of the atoms were disintegrating and throwing out a very fast particle that caused a clouding of the plates Physical Science : About the Discovery of Radioactivity

4 Experiment Details To recreate Becquerel’s experiment one would have to wrap a Lumiere photographic plate with a bromide mixture in two sheets of thick black paper So the plate does not get cluttered when exposed to the sun for a day Then the chemist would place the sheet of paper on a slab of the phosphorescent substance and expose it to the sun for a few hours The photographic plate would have to be developed The negative would show the experimentalist the silhouette of the phosphorescent substance

5 Conclusion Once Becquerel proved gases ionized when the rays were given off by uranium and that they were different from X-rays in a way that they could be deflected by electric or magnetic fields, he was awarded half the Nobel Prize for Physics in (The other half was given to Pierre and Marie Curie for their study of the Becquerel radiation.) Without Henri Becquerel’s discovery of radiation, the world today would not be what it is. Radiation therapy, medicine, academics, industry, all benefit from this discovery.

6 Works Cited ureates/1903/becquerel-bio.html Bo/Becquerel-Antoine-Henri.html

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